Title: At Gunpoint 1/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun takes a break from work for a little less than two months. He lets himself calm down; spends his savings on weapons and ammunition. ( click. )
I've been waiting for this one to be posted since forever slkjafa so excited. *~* I love your badass Jjong ♥ It's absolutely fantastic elastic and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of your amazing work :3
BTW congrats on your fic community! 8D *opens champagne and joins*
OMO. OMO. OMO. I AM SPEECHLESS! You continued it! I'm so happy! I love the characterization of Jonghyun in this AU fic. Yes! Bad ass Jjong, here we come. I wonder who is the nephew...or I'm just reading into much details. I wish I comment on how excellent this well written first chapter is but I'm still comprehending this. lol.
You're one of my favorite Jongkey writers! ♥ && Yay for your own fic comm! I might as well join. :D
Indeed I did! Really glad you like this Jonghyun, I love writing him like this :3 You're going somewhere with that thought; once you'll see it you'll understand how obvious it is, actually lol.
Eeek thank you, thank you~ ♥ Hope you'll enjoy the rest of it, as well!
Comments 31
It's absolutely fantastic elastic and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of your amazing work :3
BTW congrats on your fic community! 8D *opens champagne and joins*
Gah, can't thank you enough for everything, seriously ;; ♥ *tackles*
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2) lolomg (you know me too well). Well, we shall see *puts on sunglasses dramatically*
Aw, thank you so much! :3 ♥
You're one of my favorite Jongkey writers! ♥
&& Yay for your own fic comm! I might as well join. :D
Eeek thank you, thank you~ ♥
Hope you'll enjoy the rest of it, as well!
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Thank you for reading ♥
...right...? xD
Thanks for reading! :]
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