Title: At Gunpoint 1/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun takes a break from work for a little less than two months. He lets himself calm down; spends his savings on weapons and ammunition. ( click. )
I don't even read much JongKey cos they're not my OTP lol oops. But dang I'm glad I clicked on this! JJong is so sooooooo hot here *_* Love this AU too. Will be watching for the next chapter :DDDDD
"And you may want to do something about that hair of yours. It's too - too flamboyant," he adds as an afterthought.
How dare he. The blonde hair is godly. D:<
oh gosh, i'm so excited for this fic. :3 I loved Contact Shot, and I have a feeling I'm going to love this even more. 8D I'm kind of curious as to how Key is supposed to tie in with the story, so i hope you update soon! ♥
He clearly cannot appreciate beauty. I felt like committing blasphemy :|
Really happy to hear that! And everything will be clear pretty soon, promise. It might seem a bit dull and static for now, but, well, life tends to be ironic and surprising at times.
wow.... i like this kind of story...and i got hooked already...im only JongKey Ninja Shipper...so...too little JongKey fic that get my attention...but yours...there's no way escaping from this..XD...i definitely will be waiting for the next chapter...XD..please...please....more of this..XXDD
pls do write more^^...ill be waiting for another great chapters^^
Comments 31
But dang I'm glad I clicked on this!
JJong is so sooooooo hot here *_*
Love this AU too.
Will be watching for the next chapter :DDDDD
Thanks for reading! Hope you stick around :3
so this takes place after right? I can't for the next part!
Aha, Contact Shot is basically a prologue to this. And well, a week isn't that long now, is it? :]
Thanks for reading! :3
How dare he. The blonde hair is godly. D:<
oh gosh, i'm so excited for this fic. :3 I loved Contact Shot, and I have a feeling I'm going to love this even more. 8D I'm kind of curious as to how Key is supposed to tie in with the story, so i hope you update soon! ♥
Really happy to hear that! And everything will be clear pretty soon, promise. It might seem a bit dull and static for now, but, well, life tends to be ironic and surprising at times.
Thank you for reading! ♥
love the premise♥
can't wait for more!
Thank you for reading! :3
that's how much i missed it ♥
I've missed posting, myself. Getting back on track asap :3
pls do write more^^...ill be waiting for another great chapters^^
Thanks for reading~
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