Title: At Gunpoint 1/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun takes a break from work for a little less than two months. He lets himself calm down; spends his savings on weapons and ammunition. ( click. )
Wow, thank you, this made me grin so much! And I'm relieved you'd think so; I really wanted to try it out this way, so hearing it's successful makes me feel so much better.
Badass Jonghyun is going to kill me, seriously. ♥ Like I said before: Jjong + guns = good~ :D
I love the line: The motorbike between his legs roars as he speeds down towards the intersection, and his blood starts humming in his veins. Its my favorite~ I can just picture it :D The mental picture I have of Jonghyun in this is making me fangirl all over the place~ <3 lol
Badass Jonghyun is going to kill a lot in general lmao.
Eeek really? I was picturing something totally Cloud-esque while writing it. I seriously love the idea of Jonghyun on a huge bike, as well. He'd be so hot :Q___
Comments 31
Thank you for your words ♥
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this plays out, though!
Glad to hear that, then! Hope you'll enjoy :]
Thanks for reading~
Like I said before: Jjong + guns = good~ :D
I love the line: The motorbike between his legs roars as he speeds down towards the intersection, and his blood starts humming in his veins. Its my favorite~ I can just picture it :D The mental picture I have of Jonghyun in this is making me fangirl all over the place~ <3 lol
I am so excited for this story!! <3
Eeek really? I was picturing something totally Cloud-esque while writing it. I seriously love the idea of Jonghyun on a huge bike, as well. He'd be so hot :Q___
Thank you for reading~♥
Thanks for reading!
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Ugh, yes, blond Jonghyun is love, indeed.
And I really wouldn't mind the spam lol *encourages*
Thank you for reading!
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