Title: At Gunpoint 4/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 for this chapter Summary: One week of confusion and pointless almost-flirting later, Kibum feels fed up. ( click. )
yeah!i was waiting for this update! ♥ i read it in one breath ... ~ and get curious, what is Jjong thinking :)) >_< and what will Key do next ... gonna stalk you~ for the sake of the next update :D
Oh doesn't manliness just ooze off him? lmao /facepalm
Key's mostly collected due to the fact that he doesn't even know what's happening. He's lost the biggest part of his will to even try anymore, and the way everything unfolds leaves him somewhat empty. He will have some time to think everything through, however. And you'll see the outcome.
Comments 32
I'll just sit and patiently wait for the next chapter.
Still no update? gdi >:(
LOL hey, try sympathising >:(
SFSDGFDHfg. thanks for the update. I shall wait for the rest. :D
Thank you for reading!
More will come :3
i read it in one breath ... ~
and get curious, what is Jjong thinking :)) >_< and what will Key do next ...
gonna stalk you~ for the sake of the next update :D
Haha do stalk!
Thanks for reading ♥
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Key's mostly collected due to the fact that he doesn't even know what's happening. He's lost the biggest part of his will to even try anymore, and the way everything unfolds leaves him somewhat empty. He will have some time to think everything through, however. And you'll see the outcome.
Thank you for reading ♥
Those encounters of them are so hot XD
Thank you for reading :3
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