Title: At Gunpoint 7/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: NC-17 for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun's eyes travel down to the corner the fifteen-inch screen, sweat rolling down his forehead; it's almost midnight. ( click. )
Hello, I just spent most of my Tuesday reading your JongKey masterpieces and have had my breath taken away by your talent in writing this couple countless times already. This is wonderful and I love it and if I had the words to describe it I would, but, even now, I still don't feel that any words can do it justice. In essence: take my admiration and probably incoherent rambling as my compliments and encouragement. :D I look forward to another chapter!
Oh, uh, wow. This made me grin so much my cheeks almost hurt. Such a huge compliment, really. Terribly flattered, I can't even find something to say without sounding lame lol ;;
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read all this and leave such a comment ♥
And don't be like that! I'm obviously not perfect or anything, and neither is anyone else. No need to be sad/jealous; just try to improve. Aren't we all, anyway? :3
i wasn't going to comment until i had read the whole series, and it isn't because this is rated m, this whole story has been wonderful, and this chapter left me literally breathless. your imagery is so precise and intimate without being vulgar, which is a very difficult balance to achieve. the physical intimacy is paired and exceeded by the emotional intimacy perfectly. the end of the scene left me heartbroken. i just can't even describe how impressed i am with your skill in writing.
This chapter was so important to me, and I was so unsure about it because I was planning on writing it differently. It started writing itself and that surprised me, but it feels so great, seeing that people actually enjoy it :3
Thank you so much for your words and taking the time to comment!
Comments 28
I just spent most of my Tuesday reading your JongKey masterpieces and have had my breath taken away by your talent in writing this couple countless times already.
This is wonderful and I love it and if I had the words to describe it I would, but, even now, I still don't feel that any words can do it justice. In essence: take my admiration and probably incoherent rambling as my compliments and encouragement. :D
I look forward to another chapter!
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read all this and leave such a comment ♥
And happy belated birthdayy! Hope you had a good one (:
Thank you~ :3
(The comment has been removed)
And don't be like that! I'm obviously not perfect or anything, and neither is anyone else. No need to be sad/jealous; just try to improve. Aren't we all, anyway? :3
and it isn't because this is rated m,
this whole story has been wonderful, and this chapter left me literally breathless. your imagery is so precise and intimate without being vulgar, which is a very difficult balance to achieve. the physical intimacy is paired and exceeded by the emotional intimacy perfectly. the end of the scene left me heartbroken. i just can't even describe how impressed i am with your skill in writing.
This chapter was so important to me, and I was so unsure about it because I was planning on writing it differently. It started writing itself and that surprised me, but it feels so great, seeing that people actually enjoy it :3
Thank you so much for your words and taking the time to comment!
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