Title: At Gunpoint 9/10
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Summary: Jonghyun has always been the wordy type of guy; lots of theorising, planning, testing and retesting. That's how he operates. Other times, though, there's no time for talking, he decides while taping his Glock 22 to the underside of the tray trolley.
click. )
Comments 29
my god i can't believe this is ending in the next chapter @-@
now i know that can't be jjong who just died. right?
and i'm guessing no happy jongkey ending? ): haha.
oh well. still want the next part now. ;w;
waiting for more.
And well, you can never know, right? Anything could happen, really u_u
You'll see!
Thanks for reading ♥
Now...I think my brain just announced it's current funtion status as: fucked. /is brain-dead.
Uhm, was that supposed to happen? cause AAEIO;FJA;WKELFJA;WOIEFJA;SKLFAOWEIFJ;LKD IS FUCKED.
J-just WOW. Anticipation does not go near how excited i am for this next chapter. I love to make assumptions about plot development, and im never biased in those..but...just...GAH, I CAN'T.
/is sitting in corner waiting.
But I guess I'll take that as a positive reaction? LOL ♥
It's only six (five?) days left~
Thank you for reading! :3
And five days~ /starts to rock in her corner.
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LOL you will know soon~
Thank you for reading ♥
well nvm i've learned to be patient with this fic so ♥♥
Haha omg surry ♥
Thank you for reading :3
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LMAO well, I will want to hear your theory after the tenth chapter either way! /curious
And lies, I can smell nothing u_u
Thank you for reading! ♥
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