Title: At Gunpoint 9/10
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Summary: Jonghyun has always been the wordy type of guy; lots of theorising, planning, testing and retesting. That's how he operates. Other times, though, there's no time for talking, he decides while taping his Glock 22 to the underside of the tray trolley.
click. )
Comments 29
I loved the small line you put in about Jjong's father. That was just perfect~ I was wanting to know just a chip of why Jjong is what he is. And the possibility of what his like could have been; loved it. It was heartbreaking yet so sweet at the same time~
LOVED this chapter~ I can't believe the next chapter is the last! This went by so fast! :| But I am really excited to see what happens~ :3
Eeek, I would love to have elaborated more on Jonghyun's background, but I figured leaving some stuff insinuated would have a better effect. Glad you liked that bit, though, it made me pout while writing it lol ;;
ikr! So damn fast! :|
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