Hello and welcome to Fic the Faith, a fanfiction exchange featuring the members of KAT-TUN. We are excited to present this exchange in hopes of satisfying all KAT-TUN cravings.
Here is the when, the how and everything in between:
The When:
Sign-ups: December 20th- January 1st
Assignments sent out: by January 6th
FICS DUE: March 12th
Posting starts: March 22th ♥
Reveals: April 1st (subject to change and depending on the number of sign-ups)
The How:
- This is a KAT-TUN fic exchange. Fanfics should focus on KAT-TUN and its members (current or former). Other J&A idols (or anyone else) may appear as background characters (in accordance with the recipient's wishes), but the central focus should be on KAT-TUN.
- We also welcome KAT-TUN member love (or member-whatever) fic with open arms (and sparkly eyes).
- All fic must be at least 1000 words. There is no maximum.
- The fic needs to be beta-read. If you really can´t find a beta, contact us and we’ll try to help you out.
- This exchange is anonymous. Do not contact your recipient or reveal your identity before reveals are up. Also refrain from sharing your fic elsewhere before the reveals. If you have a question for your recipient while writing, you can email it to fic.the.faith@gmail.com and we will ask for you.
Everything in between:
* Adhere to your recipient's wishes as well as you can.
* We will do our best to pair people up - help us by being specific with your request.
* Use proper grammar and spelling in both your fic and your request. Be clear.
* Include complete HTML tags and header (tip: preview as a private post in your journal before submitting) - code for the header will be posted/emailed when assignments go out.
* Deadlines are there to be met!
* Once completed, your fics should be sent to fic.the.faith@gmail.com.
If your fic is not turned in on time, it will be send to a pinch hitter. Extensions will be granted strictly.
Because your mods are nervous and OCD, we will be sending you an email around February 14th to wish you a happy Valentine's (aren´t we sociable) and to check if you didn´t drop off the planet. We might also be asking you how your fic is going.
You don´t have to join this community but it might be a good idea to
watch it, for possible updates. In return, we promise not to spam.
If you have any questions, now is the time to ask! Comment here or email us at fic.the.faith@gmail.com. If not, sign up in a separate sign-up post
http://i30.tinypic.com/27wrd5d);">FIC THE FAITH!
KAT-TUN fic exchange
http://fic-the-faith.livejournal.com/32747.html">rules and intro
Sign-ups start on December 20