Title: And We All Fall Down, or, Why Justin Taylor Leaves Brian Kinney a Third Time
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Timeline: post 513
Warnings: break-up fic, spoilers, angst
this is how we break
This is how we break... On the Edge (of something beautiful) But Not for MeAnd We All Fall Down
He's broken up with him a grand total of two times. Left him four, if you count Hollywood and now New York. Most people break up once. They'd done this dance twice, or four times, already. So why did they keep coming back?
Things were different now.
When Justin had been in Hollywood, they talked on the phone. They emailed. He'd leave Brian dirty texts when he knew he was at work. Things were awkward, but things were okay. And he knew he was going back, eventually.
But would he ever go back to Pittsburgh after New York City? Could he? The better question was if Brian would ever move to the City, and Justin knew the answer was no. As much as he wanted to, his family, his life was in Pittsburgh. He had a legacy there that he'd never be able to accomplish any where else.
He wouldn't leave. And neither would Justin.
And Justin knew, now, that the 'myths' he'd heard about long-distance relationships were true. They just didn't work out. Sure, Brian had visited when he could, but his last visit was months ago. Phone calls were dwindling as well, and emails were non-existent.
As much as it hurt, Justin felt slightly vindicated. He'd known that it wouldn't work out. He'd known that Brian's "it's only time" spiel was just an excuse to let things fall apart, gradually. He knows Brian, knows how he is, and knows that he'll never be the one to keep this... thing together.
Five years. For five years Justin had been pulling at Brian, trying to keep them together. For five years he'd done nearly all of the work in their unconventional relationship. It may not be fair, but he was done. He was tired. And he needed to focus on his art.
He might need Brian, but we don't always get what we need, right?
And so Justin didn't call. He didn't email. He didn't use the little money he had on plane tickets. Let Brian do the work now, he'd think to himself. And things sputtered, withered away, and died, but life goes on.
Or so Justin would tell himself.
"Maybe we're better off this way; it's better that we break."