lonraigh_shay Drank too much and had to use the toilet. It happens to the best of us.
radiant_neville ...I'm sorry, what?
lonraigh_shay What what?
radiant_neville Nothing. Just thought I read that message incorrectly. Checked. Didn't. You, ah, relieved yourself, did you?
lonraigh_shay Read this carefully. I. Had. To. Piss. I. Went. To. The. Fucking. Toilet. To. Piss.
Did it make it easier on you?
LMAO. love it. going through a bunch (which i actually do once every few months or so), made me nostalgic enough to check out
hp_rpg_ads to see if any of them strike my fancy/fit my I've-Got-A-Seven-Month-Old schedule. none of them did, and i was sad. :(
hope everyone is doing well, many an apology for this random post clogging up your flists :P