There was some pizza, South Park, and a nap in there somewhere too...
Our plans may be changing, and our apartment-hunting trip in NYC might happen next week instead of December. I might also just go up alone to check some places out, but if that happens, it'll be in December.
Last night was great! Killer sets, drunken crackwhores trying to fuck everybody, drunk dudes tossing me 20's to, "play somethin' fast," and drinks!!!!! Drinking is fun
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So the Lady and I are totally copping out this year... We have fangs and contacts. Notice, glitter isn't mentioned anywhere in there, because Twilight is totally gay.
Contact lenses suck balls. I don't know how you blind fuckers do it, but I'm happy I have good vision.
I need coffee and a hot naked girl to massage my back. Volunteers?????