I swear, I've been happy lately, and that much can be witnessed by my myspace blogs. However, here is where I know that not everyone in the world will see my innermost feelings at this moment
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Ok so I've been putting this off for a few weeks because while i want a change im terrified of making the hair go away, but it is hot, the ends are in horrible shape and its just time for a change
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So last night Dan mentions to me that he used to have an LJ and that when things went bad with us he posted in it. What he did not tell me was the the first two entries talked about nothing but how much he loved me and hoped we would be able to work through our issues
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So I feel pathetic. I realized that today is thursday and I have absolutely no plans for the weekend. I don't see how I got to this point of pulling away from being social that all of a sudden I have gone from constantly being pulled into 15 million directions to not having one single plan for an entire weekend..... It makes me slightly sad but
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