Sep 05, 2005 13:41
i know i havent updated in a while but maybe i will.... i made this journal just to talk to other people but stilll i want u to comment and tell whats up..... comment me if theres a party and ill comment....STILLL HAVENT FOUND A DATE TO HOMECOMING im probly going with no one. im such a loser.......COMMENT JOE FIFE
Mar 08, 2005 18:12
I know I havent updated in a while but its because progress reports came out and what else needs to be said. anyway i cant find a ok ive found plenty but none of them like me so what can u do about that.but im still a PIMP!
FI toda FE
Feb 17, 2005 21:44
hey this school week took forever. first we had this really weird guy as our sub we come in and sit down and he says I KNOW WHAT YALL ARE UP TO DONT TRY THAT ON ME. I've never heard our class so quite. it was scary --- now progress reports come out today and i know my parents are going to FREAK so call me if im not dead by then.956-8730 FIFE
Feb 08, 2005 21:41
I got suspended from school today for bringing a lighter and playing with it. and i have in-school suspension tommorrow...though im not in much trouble.. why did i do it!?!?! call me whenever because i wont be going anyware for a while... 956-8730 FItodaFE
Feb 04, 2005 18:18
This school week is FINALY over. im soo happy, comment and tell me if u can help me with the journal... i need a icon and a background. FItodaFE
Jan 31, 2005 22:03
SCHOOL is sooo boring... comment and tell me what i can do to make it better.
FI toda FE....
Jan 28, 2005 20:01
this week was so boring. only thing i did was go to school and that wasnt that me cause i really really wanna do somthing.ttyl FIFE.
Jan 27, 2005 21:44
hey yall!!
taylor is the best person in the whole wide world!!!