[incomplete very rough draft]
These are considered to be one example of an acceptable training course; individual programs and resulting titles may be tailored to the postulant by his/her mentor and/or the council.
What’s expected of a priestess of Eris: An understanding of the contents of Principia & several other (unspecified) Discordian works
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Comments 15
David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest
I'm very interested in this when it gets going; I live in Oregon currently, but I'd like to enroll when things get moving.
2} Ditto on the interesting. Ditto on the Oregon!(!!!!!) Where yah at?
I was raised by a Hawaiian man for a while (in the sense that he stepped in and became a father figure for a number of years; my parents are divorced). I sort of grew up convinced I was Hawaiian, or at least, wishing.
"hehena" is an obscure Hawaiian word for "crazy" or "Stupid".
"Haole" ("how-le") means "white."
"HehenaHaole" can be rendered "crazy white guy." Which is one valid way of describing me.
As for Oregon-ness, I'm in Portland. Yourself?
Origionally from the Big Island
That's the reading list I have at the moment. It's not fully complete of course, but there are a few things not on your lists that you might want to add. In particular, _Finite and Infinite Games_ by James P. Carse and _The True Believer_ by Eric Hoffer are, I think, essential.
My only big question with this is how tightly controlled you expect to make the catma. As well you know, you and I have somewhat different philosophies regarding the Erisian semi-faith, and yet we're both dedicated and, yes, serious about what we're doing. I think as part of this training program, it would be good for someone to have exposure to multiple different veins of Discordian thought that don't just originate with their own immediate friends.
Also, you suggested they should attend a religious service from one other religion. I think you should up that to five other religions.
I do consider myself clergy already, and I'm working on an overt training program for such. I have an AA in speech communication, and I'm working on my BA in same. After that, I'll either be going to the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology or Starr King divinity school. I've read most of the books on your list, seen most of the films, and completed most of the coursework you outline.
And yeah, we've got our differences, but I assume Eris can handle that. I know what Eris has shown me is the One, True, Correct & Only way to be a Proper Discordian; the rest of you Improper Discordians are just gonna have to live with your incomplete understandings. If She showed you something else, that ain't my problem. If Eris wants me to change your mind, I'm sure She can find a way to let me know ( ... )
But I can't tell the IRS, "Any devout Discordian who wants to teach Discordianism and train priests and suchlike is qualified to create preeestly training programs for any other devout Discordians who are willing to pay attention to them." It makes bureaucrats twitchy.
They want lists; I can invent lists. I might even decide to follow the instructions on the lists.
Just take the phrase "much individual variation is permissible" with the most Erisian interpretation you can imagine. (Wouldn't want to discriminate against illiterate technophobic Discordians, but the plan would need some rather serious changes for them.)
Perhaps more appropriately, it would give each one of us a very interesting look at someone else's sense of Discordia, and this would wreak a certain amount of havoc on our own sense of Discordian things.
"I spent last Saturday night with Baphomet."
"I used to work for Baphomet, but I don't any more."
"I'm bringing lunch to Baphomet."
"Baphomet might initiate that new guy next week."
"Baphomet wasted six hours discussing politics."
We've (that's me & my husband, who refuses to play the LiveJournal game) already decided that the guy who leads the council meetings has a title: Messiah.
Looks great on a résumé. "Messiah of FifthTrinity Church, 04-07." And that way, we have new Quotes From the Messiah to throw around every couple of months.
"The Messiah was saying the other day..."
"Joe, this is Baphomet. Baphomet, Joe. Oh, and Joe, you really should meet Baphomet too. Baphomet... this is Joe."
That's also an excellent idea. Let us know when you're ready to... Unite to form Baphomet! (I'll form Left Arm! I'll form the Torso!...)
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