TS2 Edition: Pollination Exploration MANIA!

Mar 30, 2011 14:46

YAY! The newest event at pixel_trade is a ~RANDOM~ continuance of the Alien Person Below Me event. For both TS2 & TS3, you random roll to find out what sims you're going to breed - and who their kids will breed with, ~SPoOOoOoOOky~ (like a LAMP!) and then share the chilluns. Hot stuff!

This be my TS2 version, for whom I adore the middle kids but unfortunately they made my end product look not so shiny. DARN YOU SEXY SEXY MIDDLE CHILDREN xD

The first sim I rolled was brilliantcat's SEXY Ramen, who unbenowst to him, was about to be very VERY gay and very VERY married to...

jens_sims 's Aaron. Aaron was SUPER super pleased to be married to Ramen (seriously it was hard to get their mouths off of each others), BUT..!

He weren't to pleased about what their children did to his organs.

And yus, I said CHILDREN. I took out my trips/quads hack but I forgot that they could randomly have twins on their own. Who's been playing with that hack in FAR too long!? xD

(PS: All children are named after the 'normal' gelati flavours from Gelatissimo! Nom nom nom nom... NOM!)

Their first child was Amaren who after I initially was scared of (thsoe pigtails were a BIG no no as an adult) came to have a BIG adoration for. I mean big:

See what I mean?! OMG SO CUUUTE! *hugs her*

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Vital Statistics: Scorpio:
Popularity: Fatness/Hats;Stink

Her twin was Bacio, a sweet open faced little man, just looking for love. And I mean it, from almost birth he sought out loving and endeared himself to all the sims on the lot O_O;;

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Vital Statistics: Capricorn:
Romance: Full Face Makeup/Redheads;Grey Hair

Not the least of which was sixamsims's sim she made from charterzard's brief. I named her Angers xD And it was USEFUL too since I had rolled her next so I figured, if Bacio wants her then they can have the babies. Decision made for me, by pixels. HURRAH.

During the challenge while the rest of the kids were being born, these two were ALL OVER each other and kept rolling wants to get married. So I obliged them. xD

Their union resulted in Biscottino. He is GODDAMN good looking, n'est-ce pas? Its here I discovered that making ALL my alien skins geneticized to the exactly the same setting and then having them all in the game at the same time made things a little.. Interesting. Whoops! But I don't mind, because omg does Biscottino EVER look good in purple. UNF!

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Vital Statistics: Scorpio:
Pleasure: Full Face Makeup/Jewellery; Artistic

Biscottino's random rolled genetic partner? Charterzard's Clue! OH MY GOD I love her so much, seriously I took so many screenshots of her just doing NOTHING. OBSESSION, THY NAME IS CLUE!

I wasn't the only one, btw, Biscottino was head over heels for Clue and this challenge took me longer than it should've because I was personally heart-farting all over the damn shop at the two of them together. They ALSO kept rolling wants to get married so I totally indulged them too.. ^_^;;

Their very VERY yellow son was soon born and I dubbed him Cassis. And oh lordy I love him, he makes yellow look SO VERY FINE, would you not agree? BE MORE AWESOME TO LOOK AT, CASSIS! Oh wait, YOU CAN'T. It's not possible.

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Vital Statistics: Libra:
Family: Stink/Black Hair; Grey Hair

Cassis' partner in genetic exploration ended up being a VERY masculine Wolfram by failhappens. He screenshots WELL, folks. So manly!

Their daughter, Lampone? Um. Not so much. I'm sorry Lampone but you FREAK ME OUT! I would've kept trying but first come first serve - didn't want to cheat on the example run through! xD I honestly think though, if you popped her nose down to reduce her philtrum my opinon of her would change a thousandfold! xD

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Vital Statistics:
Knowledge: Underwear/Blondes;Glasses

Lampone's sweet and solemn genetic partner? Pixelcurious' Ponder Sprocket. And a very nice is is to have you gracing my game too, Ponder. She was so meek and patient the WHOLE time, she'd just sort of, stand around and smile at people and listen to them hang out but never really stepped forward herself. It was ADORABLE.

Their son and the ~END PRODUCT~ of my experiment? Zuppa! Hello son! :D He amused me greatly that I started out breeding my default alien skin, went through all of those different coloured children, and then ended back at my alien default. Zuppa makes an ADORABLE child, I must say, if anyone is taking him I HIGHLY recommend you put him in your game as a child townie. You wont regret!

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Vital Statistics: Capricorn:
Knowledge: Jewellery/Custom Hair; Hard Worker

Zuppa: is that it?

Not quite, we've still got the GENETIC COMPARISON SHOTS TO GO! Side by side shots of all the kids and their parents for a drive-by comparison of who got what from whom:

Hope you had fun, and if you took anyone PLEASE comment, and ENJOY! :D

challenges: pixel_trade, download, download: sims

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