Nov 26, 2004 18:28
Southampton: 160
Nottingham Trent: 220
Northampton: 180
And people reckon i'll get no one in life...
Jul 20, 2004 11:32
Dear whom it may concern (Sara),
In a recent post, i may have mentioned someone who is actually rubbish (tom english) and tried to pretend he's not. Now this was due to childish reasons as Sara is so much better (if you like, luv) and so i apologise for sinking to a low level.
I love
(Jennifer > Sara)
Jun 28, 2004 19:18
The Cooper Temple Clause - 20th July. The Garage, Islington. 500 tickets.
Not sure price but they are sold on wednesday, 9am! I'll see you there fuckers...
Jun 22, 2004 21:36
this journal will be friends only. yada yada...:)