Sep 15, 2005 16:21
lets end it on light fantastic, speaking, as we are, about madness.
-C. Bukowski
Jun 10, 2005 01:29
The death of a god, a love, a book, an instrument, a sun, a thought and a tree is not to worship, to read, to play, to bask, to dwell and to again worship.
Therefore, inactivity and lack of love and use and appreciation for various things is death.
Apr 29, 2005 00:14
Can anyone hook me up with a job making minimal 10-12/hour full time?
I hate hate mine.
Mar 16, 2005 15:59
I think its about time you all watched Donnie Darko again.
Or maybe just me?
Nov 16, 2004 19:41
1. go to the store and buy boxes of red caps
2. locate a big rock
3. open the caps and place them on the ground
4. proceed to bash those buggers
5. keep bashing cause noone can get then all in one hit. if you can, you are to be worshipped
6. breath deeply, the o' so wonderful smell of freshly bashed caps
7. remember being young
8. smile
Sep 11, 2003 12:31
Sometimes it seems that the only time people will talk to a person is if the person is upset. Bothways.
Not critical just observation.
Sep 09, 2003 10:56
New pic of me with blonde hair when i was 20....ehh...I look weird!