Fic: Visitors of Several Sorts, Chapter 7 (Criminal Minds, Reid / Morgan, Hotch / Chad)

Oct 10, 2009 18:18

Title: Visitors of Several Sorts, Chapter 7
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan,
Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Criminal Minds Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

“What’s going on here?” Chad walked into the living room where Hotch, Reid and Morgan were talking in muted tones.

“Jack’s playing in the study, he doesn’t need to hear about this.” Hotch explained. “We tried to come up with some solution to this, but we came up blank.”

“We know the guy broke in, but there’s nothing that would point to him. No prints, no nothing.” Morgan groaned. “We know the guy’s bad news, but we can’t touch him.”

“Actually, when you called me I started thinking.” Chad sat down on the couch and confiscated Hotch`s full coffee mug. The grin on his face was unashamedly smug. “And I found a way around it.”

“We’re listening.”
“Aaron said the first guy lived here in Virginia. So I asked Garcia to check where he lived.”
“He owned a house pretty close to the edge of national park. Really remote. And when he died, he left the house to…..”
“His brother?”
“That doesn’t help much.”
“I’m not done. Remember how they caught Al Capone?”
“Tax evasion?”
“He hasn’t paid property tax for the house since he inherited it.” He pulled a folded paper from his pocket. “And I got the search warrant to prove it.”

“You got a warrant based on that?” Hotch stared at him. “How is that possible?”
“You have to know the right judges. And this one took it seriously when I mentioned, off the record, that the guy has been harassing a federal agent. He’s really big on professional solidarity.”

“Can you stay here with Jack and Spencer?” Hotch got up from the couch. “I’ll call some back-up to meet us at the house.”
“I’m coming with you.” Reid announced. “This is about me, I’m not waiting here.”

“You are.” Hotch, Chad and Morgan stated simultaneously.


“Agent Hotchner?” One of the uniformed cops approached them. “We’ve done a quick check. There was nobody in the house, but someone’s been there lately.”
“Anything unusual?”
“Not yet, but we haven’t checked the whole basement. The ceiling light was busted, so we need to get more lights.”
“Good, tell me if you found something. We’ll take a look at the ground floor.”


“-but that doesn’t support the hypothesis that a Wookie might be the alien equivalent of Yeti.” Spencer finished. Jack stared at him with his eyes wide.

“Okay, what movie’s next?” Chad interrupted. “I knew you were gonna be here for the weekend, so I got some more sci-fi films.”
“What?” Jack`s face lit up.
“Wait a sec…..” Chad reached for the nearby cabinette and pulled out a stack of DVDs. “Take your pick.”

Jacks snatched the casings and started leafing through them.

Reid leaned closer to Chad and lowered his voice.
“When did you have time to get those?”
“Last week. He was supposed to be here last weekend but Hailey wanted to switch.”

“This!” Jack demanded and handed the case over to Chad.
“Stargate? Why not…” He put the disc into the player and pressed play. Jack piled up some cushions on the floor and settled on them to watch the movie.

“I can stay with him if you want to go see your mom again.” Reid whispered.
“I can’t go back till tomorrow.”
“Doctors orders?”
“No, my mom’s. She got annoyed when I was there all the time.”
“She woke up this morning, that’s hardly all the time.”
“Anyway, she told me not to come back today. Cain’s there now.”
“What about Sean?”
“He’s there too.” Chad started laughing. “She’ll chew him to pieces.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“Maybe. She seemed to warm up to Aaron when she met Jack.”
“You used a kid to get her to like Hotch?”
“No, he used the kid to get her to like him.” He laughed again. “No, that was just a happy coincidence.”

“Spencer?” Jack whined and pointed to the screen. “What’s that?”

Reid focused on the movie and started a thirty minute lecture on hieroglyphs and the factual errors of the movie.


“Cops were right.” Morgan commented. “He’s been here. Newspapers, fresh food, laundry…. He`s been staying here.”
“But nothing incriminating.” Hotch put the notebook back to the table drawer. “Maybe he has a secondary hideout-”

He didn’t finished his sentence. His attention was now fixed to the uniformed officer who had just run out of the house holding his hand in front of his mouth. The sound of vomiting followed few seconds later.

“Agent Hotchner? You gotta see this.” One of the investigators waved at them. “We found something in the basement.”

Hotch and Morgan followed him down the stairs. The basement was dim despite the several lights the investigators had brought there. The agents didn’t need to ask what had been so important. They both stared at the sight, unable to say anything for few minutes.

“Is that… are you…. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Morgan finally stuttered.
“I think so.” Hotch took a deep breath. “And it`s not a nice thought.”

Chapter 8

show: criminal minds, pair: aaron hotchner / chad christensen, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan, cm / series: visitors of several sorts

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