Title: Away 2/3
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, et.
Feedback: Always Welcome
NUMB3RS Main List Chapter 1/3 Includes my answer to Chymom`s challenge, using lines from Man Hunt:
Don: Keep your head down.
Coop: Do that .
Don accompanied David to the bar counter for a refill and glanced back to their table.
Colby was still rambling drunkenly and Ian looked like he want even listening anymore.
“This has been a pretty tame evening so far.” David commented.
“I’m here with babbling drunk, a couple who keeps groping each other in public and
Martin cancelled. I’m the one who should be complaining.”
“I forgot to ask, why did he cancel?”
“He had some dinner meeting with clients.”
“At least he doesn’t have to listen to Colby…..”
“I know. But it’s just for one night…. And maybe he’ll pass out soon.”
“At least we haven’t been banned here.”
“You got banned from that strip club?”
“Yeah, all of us. Even those who kept their clothes on. And what’s that look?”
“What look?”
“That look on your face.”
“I was just thinking…. Wanna go and try your luck?”
“At that club?”
“Think about it. They only have female strippers and Charlie’s gone, so
Granger should be easy to handle.”
“You have four guys, who are all dating guys, and you want to take them to
a boobie bar.”
“Could be fun.”
Don placed a tray with a round of drinks on their table. It had been easy to get in.
It was a slow night and the bounced allowed all the hopefuls in. They had covered
Colby with a baseball cap and sunglasses just in case.
“Enjoying the views?” Don asked.
“I’ve seen worse.” Ian commented. “They don’t have too high criteria’s for dancers
here. Look at that.” He pointed his head to the main stage. A busty blond was
grinding against the pole, and it was obvious, that she had stayed in the business
longer than she should have.
“Well….” Don smirked. “At least she still has a nice ass.”
“You know who has a nice ass….” Colby slurred. “My Charlie…. It’s round and
bouncy and squeezable….”
“Thanks for the description.” Don deadpanned.
“Have you seen it?” Colby leaned closer.
“It’s been a while, but I’ve seen it.”
“Isn’t it great….?”
“Can we talk about something else?” Don turned to Ian. “How long are you
staying in town?”
“I`m leaving next week, but it shouldn’t take too long. Maybe four or five days.”
“You know who had to go too?” Colby interrupted. “My Charlie…. He left and
I don’t know when he’s coming back….” Colby’s drunken complain ended
with a sob.
“He’ll come back in few days.” Don said.
“What if he doesn’t….? What if he founds somebody younger….?”
“He’s there for work.”
“Some young firm soldier with a newer weaponry…. He’ll ditch me and it’s all
over….” Colby started moaning. “Why would he leave me…..”
“Because you keep getting on my nerves?” Don suggested. “And shut up.
That bartender’s looking at us.”
“That’s the same one who was here last time.” David nudged Colby. “Keep
your head down.”
“I could borrow a feather boa from the girls….” Colby’s sobs turned to a drunken
giggle. "And try to cover my face with it...."
“Do that.” Ian commented and downed the last of his beer.
“Okie dokie…” Colby got up and headed to the edge of the stage.
“Come back.” Don grabbed him byy the back of his coat and pulled him back.
“That`s it, we`re leaving.
“Where are we going?” Colby mumbled.
“You`re going home to sleep it off.”
“I think we should go too.” David agreed and got up. “It`s pretty late.”
“But you`ll help me with this one, right?” Don gestered to Colby, who was currently
leaning agains the wall to stay on his feet.
“You`re on your own, Eppes.” Ian smirked and grabbed David with him.
“Good night.”
“Your gonna have to sleep on the couch.” Don announced and pushed Colby to the
living room sofa. “You`re in no condition to go upstairs, and there`s no way in hell
I`ll drag you there.”
“I don’t wanna go to bed….” Colby slurred against the cushions. “It`s empty….”
“Chuck will come back when he`s ready. Go to sleep.”
“Why couldn’t I go with him….?”
“Because his job is classified. And you got a job here. Would you sleep now?”
“I can`t sleep without my Charlie…. He likes to squish and sqush me all over…”
“Well, now you better get by without squishing, because I`m not doing it.”
“It`s not right…. David`s supposed to be the one who`s guy is always coming
and going…”
“Chuck`s not away that often.”
“I don’t like it….”
“Too bad.” Don slapped Colby on his head with a sofa cushion. “Good night.”