Title: 365 Days (Epilogue)
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Chapter 1/2 Chapter 2/2 “Pretty Boy…..” Morgan groaned in his sleep.
“Wake up. It’s Clooney.” Reid picked up the dog, who was currently licking
Morgan’s face. He put him on the floor but he jumped right back onto the bed.
“Wha… Oh…. I thought that was you….”
“I do not exude those amounts of saliva, and he does that every morning.
You really should have picked up the pattern by now.”
Morgan wiped the drool off his face. “I have a long and exhausting night
behind me. I have a right to be drowsy.”
“So have I. But I admit, after the activities in question, you should be
allowed to be dehydrated, disoriented, and highly relaxed.”
“I am.” Morgan grinned and pulled Reid closer. “Don’t I get a good
morning kiss?”
Reid leaned closer to kiss him.
“That was good….” Morgan commented with a smirk. “But Clooney put
more effort into it.”
“And more saliva.”
“So you don’t wanna kiss me doggy style?”
“You made a similar suggestion last night when we got home. And dog`s
tongue is different from human’s, since it’s main purpose is keeping the
head at certain temperature by absorbing cooler air from it’s environment.”
“I was just talking about kissing.”
“You know what Clooney’s talking about?”
Morgan turned to look at Clooney, who had jumped down to the floor
and was now pacing back and forth in front of the bedroom door.
“No. Read the urgency of the movements, and the body language.”
“Mating season?”
“You’ve had him operated, remember? That cut’s the oestrous cycle
for good.”
“I give up. What is he signalling?”
“If one of us doesn’t get up to let him out, he’s going to have an accident.”
Reid got up and covered himself with a well-worn flannel robe. Clooney
let out an agonised yelp. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
“I’m being dumped for a dog….” Morgan groaned theatrically and leaned
back. He pulled the covers down to strike a sultry pose. “All alone in bed….”
“Morgan, the first few, maybe ten times that was irresistible. You’ve used
that trick too often.”
“My Pretty Boy doesn’t desire me anymore….”
“He does, but he also knows how to prioritize. I’ll rather delay physical
gratification for five minutes, than jump on you now and clean up a puddle
from the floor.”
“I’m playing second fiddle to a dog….”
“Your dog.” Reid leaped on the bed and leaned close. He dragged his tongue
slowly against Morgan’s cheek.
“Pretty Boy….” Morgan couldn’t help the slight hitch in his voice.
Reid pulled back and looked smug. “Who was better, me or Clooney?”
“I think I need more samples before I can make up my mind.”
“You want me to get Clooney?”
“Good. I’ll be back in a minute.”