Title: Birthday Gift, Chapter 3
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for amusement...
Feedback: Makes the World Turn.
Criminal Minds Main List Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Morgan wolfed down the last of his slice of the cake. “Okay, next phase. I want my gifts.”
His announcement was followed by collective grunt. Prentiss decided to take the lead and pulled out a parcel and a thick envelope. “The packet is from Rossi. He had a date.”
Morgan took the parcel and tore it open.
“What is it, a book?” Reid asked curiously.
“Yep.” Morgan chuckled. “His book.” He moved on to Prentiss’s gift. “And gift certificates to a sport supply store. Thanks Em.”
"You`re welcome, and now I got to go. I got a yoga class in half an hour." She got up and left.
“Mine next.” Garcia giggled and handed him an envelope. “You’re gonna love it.”
He opened it and pulled out a small piece of paper. “A gift certificate? Again.”
“Yeah, but check the place.”
Morgan scanned down the paper. “Roger`s Boudoir Studio. Lovebirds special. What is this?”
“Your brainy bunny can explain it to you later.” Garcia laughed. “It’s a little bit like the early birds special in the diner, but it doesn’t include toast. And it’s a lot more fun.”
Reid was quickly turning red.
Morgan gave Garcia a sceptical look. “Okay….”
“This is from me.” J.J. handed over a small parcel. “And this is from Hotch.” She pulled another parcel from her bag.
“Don’t tell me he had a date too, like Rossi.”
“He does have a date but it’s with Jack. Hailey’s out of town.”
“What do we have here….” He tore the paper away. “A tie.”
“You like blue don`t you?”
“Yeah, thanks.” He moved on to Hotch`s parcel. “Two ties. Black and gray.”
“Seriously Hotchian.” Garcia commented.
“Am I getting old?” Morgan mused. “It’s a definite sign of age when people start giving you ties for birthdays.”
“At least you haven’t reached the slipper phase yet.” Garcia comforted.
“Is that your way of saying you’re gonna get me those next year?”
“I don’t wanna know. Pretty Boy, are you gonna give me that or just hug it all night?” Morgan said to Reid who had clutched the package against his chest.
“I’ll give it to you, but you can’t open it until we’re home.” Reid gave him the packet.
“Can I peek?” Morgan grinned.
“Well…. I…. I guess.”
Morgan pulled off one corner of the wrapping paper and peeked in. “It’s photo album.”
“I know!”
“Babe, it’s a pretty blah gift, but nothing to blush over.”
“It’s not empty.”
“Oh.” Morgan thought about it for a moment. “You finally organised our holiday snaps?” Morgan pulled the rest of the paper off and opened the first page. Reid leaned over and snapped the album shut, but it was too late. Morgan has frozen on spot, staring at the album with his mouth open. He tried to say something but his mouth refused to co-operate.
“Morgan?” Reid asked carefully. “Can you hear me?”
No reaction.
“Are you okay?”
Still nothing.
“I thought they were good photos, but I had no idea it would go that well….!” Garcia chuckled. “He looks just like Hotch did yesterday.”
That made Morgan snap back to the land of the living.
“It was an accident!” Reid panicked. “I forgot them on my desk.”
“And Hotch saw those?!”
“Calm down….”
“Take it easy, sugarshag.” Garcia tried to sooth him. “Those pictures were really hot stuff!”
“You’ve seen them too?”
“Yeah. They’re really juicy.”
“You and Hotch. Has everyone seen these?”
“Just us. And you didn’t mind when I showed off my pictures!”
“That’s different, that’s you!” Morgan exclaimed.
“Am I the only one here who has no idea what’s going on?” J.J. interrupted.
“You better be, or I’ll start screaming!” Morgan exclaimed.
“You’re already screaming.”
“Well, I have a right to scream!” Morgan opened the album and browsed quickly through it. He snapped it shut and grabbed Reid by his wrist. “We’re going home right now.”
“Don’t worry honey, we’ll handle the cake.” Garcia assured.
“And don’t call me before Monday, we’ll be busy.” Morgan walked out carrying the album in one hand and dragging Reid with the other.
“Someone’s in trouble…..” J.J. commented.
“Yep.” Garcia agreed. “But I’m not sure which one of those two it is…..”