My mum forwarded me this tragically funny story. Do give it a read - not only if you love cookies, but if you love cookies recipies worth 250 bucks. Them's has to be some good cookies for that price. :P
I just had an incredibly funny thought while reading a script for All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues. It came to me when I read the unlined line: "What the frack is he?" Interesting Javi would write "What" instead of "Who". The writer - being so much more knowledgeable about the subject he's writing on than the veiwer - sometimes makes little
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Reading the last bit of that fic I just recommended, a thought seeds in my head. Wouldn't it be painfully ironic to have an Ana/Sayid ship? Hey, it's happened in movies before. So what if her bullet met his girlfriend. Opposites attract! :P
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Lost was great tonight. Fresh jungle air. Funky rain/thunderstorms, freaky island-based flashbacks. Heaven. Utter heaven. And Other Man! Whooooooot! Gotta love Other Man.