i'm commenting. and i know all your titles are lyrics. i'm trying to make a point of not having lyrics. my titles are part of the work of art that is my lj, as i was explaining to max yesterday.
lol i jacked the lyrics thing from emily h. so thank her for this trend. and i'm sorry, but i think about my deoderant way more than you do. so much, in fact, that i cannot begin to write in my lj about it. I should just go ahead and start an lj completely devoted to my thoughts about deoderant. it will be ____deoderant___ with mad underscores
Comments 4
The eternal question. Hope you get some answers.
All your titles are lyrics? I'm trying to go for all song titles myself.
(Hooray for comments.)
and i know all your titles are lyrics. i'm trying to make a point of not having lyrics. my titles are part of the work of art that is my lj, as i was explaining to max yesterday.
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