Combine notes from their recent interviews from UV, OtH, Newsmaker...
Imai named the album "13th Floor with Moonshine". He said he just wanted the name calling a dramatic imagery, there's no specific meaning. Initially Imai wanted to call it "Diabolo" (that's how "core" Diabolo is for the album).
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Comments 10
imai: only I can write the best music for youuuuu atsushi *says so in evil vampire voice*
aw that's really nice that atsushi got so inspired ^^
but yea sacrifice is an ehhhhh...not so good song. it was a bad first single, taiji definitely was more interesting musically.
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And Imai's a freak. Beloved, beloved freak. ;)
me too. XD
A few of the songs I really love. Some I like because they're fun. Some I'm neutral. And some, I just don't care for at all. Like, can I hate on Taiji now? Because I know some people like that song, but it's so not acchan. When I first heard it, I thought: What is this, Hirai Ken? lol I like the shoegaze-y stuff though.
It's not a bad solo effort at all, but it doesn't entirely fit him? I guess nobody knows Acchan better than Imai.
At least the solo gave him a confidence boost, other members didn't take him seriously I guess because Achan never believed himself a "musician' so no one else did (he always said he's just a band guy, whilst Imai and Hoshino are musicians).
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