Title: Grace - Chapter 10
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: P!atd (Brendon/Ryan)
Loretta will spend forever telling me that she has been married twice.
Once to her husband, a man with no hair and a bazillion degrees in art and literature and business. A man with humble tendencies and crooked teeth and a small art gallery in the LA that Ryan lives in.
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Comments 77
I was thinking when I got on 'that'd be awesome if Grace updated.' I logged in and hey, you're second on my friend's page! Yay, you made my day.
I love your writing. It's awesome!!! <3
I actually finished that with my mouth slightly open and I just sat there frozen for a while.
This chapter was truly amazing. The characters just stun me.
Cant wait for more.
There are strings everywhere, all over him and all over me, wrapped around his eyes and his lips and his body, I can see them everywhere, draping off him and crawling beneath my skin. I’ve never felt this, never seen or touched or felt these spindly wires.
That's probably my favorite bit, but I love all of it. I'm impressed by your style and flow and characterization and, well, all of it. So kudos, I guess.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed!
(Well, I updated mine, now you gotta go update yours, yes?)
(This really ridiculous thing called College- with its silly things known as Classes- has taken over my life for the moment. Homework abounds. Reading must be done. Films must be watched. Spanish must be reviewed. It's all very sad and not conducive to writing at all. Hopefully I'll get on it this weekend? I need to get inspired, though. I need to find myself a prompt. Wow, this is long. But yes, nag and you shall receive.)
(Don't you just hate it when real life gets in the way? I hope inspiration hits you with the force of a wayward vehicle. *lovelovelove*)
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