"Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see...Nothing is free in this world big, even friendship can come at a price. Good intentions are a think of the past..."K.L.P
CrazyStarlett21 (9:02:24 AM): ill give you a knucle sandwich CrazyStarlett21 (9:02:29 AM): oooOOo lusciouss mix (9:02:35 AM): OoOo i love you to my dear CrazyStarlett21 (9:02:41 AM): haha lusciouss mix (9:02:44 AM): :D CrazyStarlett21 (9:02:49 AM): no really
sadfjalksdjfasdiuxiguaeriuwfdisagudvbilxjcvkvasd;kfawlentjrhjhoiuvcbdspfuiawetasgodfjvxklcvbjsakdjrewgoifugdvibljdfklsdajgtaiesr.............FUCK................i think im gonna cry