Mar 22, 2023 12:00
- Wed, 08:15: @ ponysmasher - just want to put it out there, FWIW I really liked Shazam! 2. It was funny (in the kind way) and silly with what I felt was solid action. As a lifelong cape fan, it was exactly what I've been craving from a superhero movie. Thank you.
Mar 07, 2023 13:39
- Tue, 09:39: DIY HRT is trending. Just in case anyone needs to hear it, here's some facts: If possible, absolutely use HRT under the guidance of an affirming endorcrinologist. However, the world being what it is, that's not always practical, for reasons. 1/
Feb 21, 2023 17:31
- Tue, 12:05: One of the most powerful aspects of Wonder Woman as a feminist figure is that she's a strong, capable woman whose power doesn't extend from a patriarch. The clay origin embodied that: being the daughter of Zeus, however... 😢 https://t.co/DtCF99IVga