70% off posters this week-end, until Sunday, May 24th. Just use the promo code MEMORIALSALE if you want to take this opportunity to buy a poster of one of my abstract paintings.
My iMac was getting so sluggish that I was getting resigned to the idea of buying a new computer (not that I don't want to, but I can't really afford to right now). But before hitting the "buy it now" button, I decided to try one last thing: a clean reinstall of everything. Well, everything except all the old stuff that I stopped using ages ago
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Deux bonnes surprises coup sur coup ! Je ne suis (provisoirement) plus au chômage, je commence demain matin un contrat de 20 jours. Et j'ai vendu un t-shirt sur ma boutique ComBoutique, que je n'ai même pas commencé à promouvoir !