For the past two months, I've been working on the same Doctor Who picspam. You would think coming up with my five episodes would be a piece of cake, but my mind just refuses to list. I'll watch an episode then want to replace one episode with that one. Or I'll think "Maybe I don't like this episode as much as I believe I do." But finally-happily-I
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Comments 63
"Midnight" is one of those episodes that I really, really enjoyed, but I just can't re-watch it. The whole cabin fever tone makes me feel so uncomfortable. That's not to say that it wasn't a great episode, because it was, I just can't watch it too many times. Does that make sense? I'm definitely with you in that I found it so much scarier than "Blink." While "The Unicorn and the Wasp" wouldn't be in my top five, that episode is just so much fun. I got some family members to finally watch Who after that episode, so I have a bit of a soft spot for it ( ... )
It was “epic” without even trying to be
That is such a perfect way to describe PotW. It had so much potential to be cracky, but RTD really managed to rein it in and let the story grow naturally.
I'll make a top 5 list sometime next week. I have exams to avoid studying for, after all.
RTD does emotions extremely well but his stories often get lost along the way, so it's pretty brilliant that TBG/TPotW was great from start to finish. I mean, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday was just … NO on Cybermen v Daleks. The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords ending could've been perfect if for the ~power of prayer~ glowing Doctor bit. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End was … I don't know what that was but Turn Left was brilliant. Then The End of Time was just an entertaining clusterfuck, hahah.
But yeah, series one's ending was just perfect. I can't wait to see your top episodes!
I'm pretty sure the episodes you picked are the five I re-watch the most (except for maybe "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances"; mostly because I couldn't watch series two after finishing series one for the longest time because Eccleston totally ruined me for anyone -- especially after those two episodes.)
Hah, I have guilty guilty love for "Sound of Drums".
OH GOD YES I LOVE "THE EMPTY CHILD"/"THE DOCTOR DANCES". I thought I mentioned it above in my text vomit, but I guess I didn't. I started watching Doctor Who in series five around two weeks after Rose aired, but my love turned into absolute stanning after I watched that two part. It was perfectly creepy and for once everyone lived!
There's really no reason why your love for TSoD should be guilty. It was a really brilliant episode but it over gets overlooked because of the ending of "The Last of the Time Lords". The acting was fantastic. The music was lush and filled with such emotion. Again, I stan for this episode. I won't deny it.
It really is an amazing episode, but I went into it knowing I would love it (my friend was already a Who fan, and I was seriously just dying to get through series two so I could watch TSoD.) I don't even hate TLotTL all that much; I mean, I know it's a really mediocre episode (especially for a finale!), but it's so stupidly fun to watch.
ARE YOU ME? I recently watched Doctor Who with a new fan a month ago, and we pretty much watched series two on fastfoward because I wanted to get to the second half of series three, due to "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood", "Blink" and especially "The Sound of Drums". I don't hate "The Last of the Time Lords" either but I do think it was a wasted effort. IDK. It's one of thos things you can love but then "eh" at the same time.
AND THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Martha Jones IS stunning and I'm sick of never feeling okay saying that to other Who fans because they examine me like I have something growing out of my head. She's a free bitch, baby.
It's so true: "Blink" is the ultimate stand-alone episode, though I've shown "The Waters of Mars" to non-Whovian friends and family and they love it as well without needing to know anything.
Thank you also for mentioning "Midnight". "Midnight" is the main reason I couldn't stand "Planet of the Dead". It seemed like a weak, bland, cheesy rip-off of "Midnight".
*flails over this picspam, wants to go watch about a million hours of Who now*
I liked "Planet of the Dead" for Lady Christina and her wonderful bangs, lol. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst.
I'm very pleased you like it.
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