fem!february comment!ficathon

Feb 01, 2015 11:56

fem!february comment!ficathon

A female february multifandom comment ficathon
[click on the picture]

[If you want to promote, there's the banner above + other lovely banners in this thread.]

RULES: shamelessly stolen from upupa-epops and slightly adapted.

1. I thought much about this, tried to decide what's too strict and what isn't, and then I figured out that the one thing I'd like us all to have in mind is just this: a) this is a celebration of women. So prompt and write whatever you think'll celebrate women: gen, f/f, f/m, polyamory, poetry, prose, AUs, fix-its, whatever strikes your fancy.
2. Prompt as much as you wish, but make a separate comment for each prompt. Don't be shy! The more prompts, the better, trust me.
3. When you fill a prompt, please leave a comment here (link, title, warnings, prompt). Art, fic, fill with whatever.
4. Feedback is much appreciated, but you knew that already.
5. Have fun!
6. Since this is a fem!february (I'm soooo good with names) ficathon, it'll last all through February, and on March 1st or February 28th, I'll post what I hope will be a shiny pretty masterlist filled with links to wonderful women!celebrating fic.

!femfebruary, !ficathon

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