instant gratification ficathon">">
An instant gratification comment ficathon
[click on the picture][If you want to promote, there's the banner above + maybe other lovely banners in
this thread.]
+ Marta's to blame. Need I say more.
RULES: shamelessly stolen from
upupa-epops and slightly adapted.
1. All fandoms/ships/characters etc are fair game, BUT there's a catch! From the moment you start writing a fill, you have exactly 30 minutes to finish. After that, you post what you have, no extra tweaking. Obviously I'll have no way of making sure you play by the rules, but please be a good sport and do. It's great fun, I promise!
2. Prompt as much as you wish, but make a separate comment for reach prompt. Don't be shy! We really want ALL THE PROMPTS.
3. When you fill a prompt, please leave a comment
here (link, title, warnings, prompt).
4. Feedback is much appreciated, but you knew that already.
5. Have fun!