Title: Waiting on Forever
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing(s)/Characters: USUK. Brief mentions of fem!Canada and others.
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Alternative universe. Brief sensuality.
Summary: In death, Alfred F. Jones relives his sixty-seven years of life. He summons memories of friendship, love, and loss, and looks for the one person who
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Comments 9
Even though this chapter is short it's still beautiful. I can feel small tears at the corners of my eyes but I won't let them out...or at least try.
Alfreds answer to all those question is so...I can't even describe it properly. He's such a good guy. To find someone who loves you like that must be true bliss.
Looking forward to the next one!
Will they get to meet in the after life?! Oh I'm so saddened to know that Al practically waited until he died without any meaning in his life. I hope that his afterlife will be much more and he can be at peace.
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