Ever since I was about 3 I have been going down to the Golden Isles for a week or so during the summer. Out of all the places I have been, its in the top 5 on my list. It's beautiful down there. Untainted and peaceful.
It is a very nice area to be sure. My parents went on their honeymoon there, and since they have been retired they have been renting a house on St. Simon's for a month every year. This is the first time I have actually been there, but I have been backwoods hiking on Cumberland a number of times, and have always thought it was a very special place.
Hi there. I too am a grackle devotee, and even named my left/libertarian mailing list The Cackling Grackle.
I never paid grackles much mind until my biz partner and ex-wife, _raven_ observed that I had some personality traits in common with 'em when pissed off, doing the equivalent of flapping my wings while grumbling "they're all STUPID! Make them go AWAY!" in true ruffled grackle style, so I had to accept that they are one of my totem animals.
Love the userpic - it captures the essence of grackle attitude. :)
ah, beaches and vacations... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away... I had things like those in my life. Glad you had fun. I have a cardnial's nest right outside my front door. The thing is I was way too young when I saw the movie "The Birds" I just can't trust them, they have those beady little eyes and are just waiting to peck your eyes out to get at the tender brain flesh under... Um sorry was very scarred by that movie. So you gonna come to my birthday party on memorial day??
The nice thing about school versus a normal job is you get all sorts of time off for vacation and slacking. Of course you don't make any money in school either, so I guess it's a give and take. Of course I have a regular job also, so I can't really talk.
When I was about 13, I was given a BB gun for my birthday, and the first thing I did was run outside where I shot and killed a small bird. I felt so bad I never used the thing again. I think that probably scarred me for life. In fact now that I think about it I can probably blame my vegetarian tendancies on that event...
I would love to come to your party; wot do I have to do?
Comments 10
Hi there. I too am a grackle devotee, and even named my left/libertarian mailing list The Cackling Grackle.
I never paid grackles much mind until my biz partner and ex-wife, _raven_ observed that I had some personality traits in common with 'em when pissed off, doing the equivalent of flapping my wings while grumbling "they're all STUPID! Make them go AWAY!" in true ruffled grackle style, so I had to accept that they are one of my totem animals.
Love the userpic - it captures the essence of grackle attitude. :)
When I was about 13, I was given a BB gun for my birthday, and the first thing I did was run outside where I shot and killed a small bird. I felt so bad I never used the thing again. I think that probably scarred me for life. In fact now that I think about it I can probably blame my vegetarian tendancies on that event...
I would love to come to your party; wot do I have to do?
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