Title: If I Can't Have You: Part 5 Pairing: Kradam (Kris Allen and Adam Lambert) Rating: NC-17 (for sexuality) Summary: Adam is awfully excited to go work out. Kris wishes he didn't find out why.
Oh. I knew where this was headed after reading the summary. Glad to see I was right. hubba hubba. Theres nothing enough Adam bjs in fandom. And Kris with and squeaky sneaker? Why couldnt he just turn away without being noticed? Poor thing. :)
I think... I love you? It's really quite possible. I just read all parts you have so far of this (I think... unless there is a part six and I haven't found it yet. In which case, DIRECT ME!)
I hope you don't mind if I friend you, so I can keep up with the updates. This is really gorgeous, and you have their personalities down so surprisingly well! Mooore.
I love this story more than you can possibly imagine. I love stories where the relationship (and the sexual tension) has time to grow. More soon, please?
Comments 24
I knew where this was headed after reading the summary. Glad to see I was right. hubba hubba. Theres nothing enough Adam bjs in fandom.
And Kris with and squeaky sneaker? Why couldnt he just turn away without being noticed? Poor thing.
Poor jealous Kris, I love it though. He wishes it were him =(.
I hope you don't mind if I friend you, so I can keep up with the updates. This is really gorgeous, and you have their personalities down so surprisingly well! Mooore.
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