Yes, this post is being made public because it's a part of my userinfo.
Enjoy, lovelies.
a_fallenstarEven though you're always at GJ and never at LJ I still have great times talking to you on AIM. I still go over to GJ and read your entries, so if I don't comment, don't think I don't read what you have to say. :) You're also very talented and very creative. I could say I wish I was as talented as you but how we do our arts are completely different and that's both unique! <3
awmillerStryker...Ash...Tony....T. We've came quite a long way but I wouldn't give it back for anything. You were probably one of my most great friends and you still are. It was great to catch up with you because we lost quite a lot of time talking to each other but everytime I talk to you I always feel like we've been talking to each other every day for the last 5 years and nothing seems to be lost. You always pick up on the beat of what I'm talking about and it's always awesome and eerie at the same time because how can you know half of the things I'm talking about? But it happens. I'm glad we're still friends. You're probably the only one of the two friends that I'm still friends after the Chatweb period faded, not including Mike. Memories....we're always going to have that. Jump up, Ash, there's snapping rats at your feet. ;) <3 UPDATED: FUCK YOU.
beth_e_07Ha ha, what can I say? We've been through quite some trouble *cough*alcohol*cough*. But I still had a blast, while I was still in WA though. I can't say I want to come back to WA but let's just be happy and laugh about what memories we have. Take care and don't do anything stupid. <3
bluetweetyMicheal... I'm lost on what to say. There's just so much in you, so many good qualities inside you that made me love you. You're always going to be one of my best friends, someone I can talk to. You might not think that but it's true. I love you so much because you're you. You always make me happy and I have so much fun just being with you. Relationships, like you said, has its ups and downs but we've always pulled through, no matter what. And that, alone, is amazing. I'm so thankful for you for being in my life, I couldn't have asked for anything better. You're my world and I would be so lost without you. You've always been there the last 2 years and those 2 years were probably one of the hardest periods I had to go through because of the issues I had. I'm just happy you stuck it through with me because I don't think I could have made it without you. You're my life. I love you, Mike. 12.10.02
caprisunaoRyan, what can I say about you? Jesus, to think I've known you since I was probably in 5th grade, right? We were a duo, two musketeers who never needed a third. The times I had with you were so much fun! The bus rides home were never bored, we always had something to talk about, whether it was about Miranda or school or Laura, the girl with gigantic boobs. *giggles*. Don't forget the pen vibrator, ROFL! I miss your mom, brother and your cat! Someday we'll meet each other again and catch up major time. It's been too long. I <3 you, RC!
unleashed_dorkI've only had you on my friends' list for a short while but what I know of you, you're fun, spunky and great to talk to! We have quite a few things in common and that's always great for friends, even if it's only online and not in IRL. We better stick together so we can meet each other in IRL someday! :)
cmego89Heh, we've been friends for, I don't know, 2 years? But you've probably the only online friend I kept on my buddy list because you know how that is - meetnig some friends online then they fade. Nuh-uh, not what happened with you. We kept talking and it's been great talking to you! You always make me laugh and it's a plus when I'm having a bad day. You were also the first online friend I drank with and THAT was a lot of fun, ironic of how online was supposed to be boring and such right? Muahaha. ;) AND VACCUM!
crazeelimeYou've only been on my list for not that long but what I've read about you, you're very smart and easy to read and relate to and I think that's a big plus when it comes to living life, who wants people to be difficult to get along with?! You're also fun and I think that you would be a great friend in IRL so people who's your friend is lucky! : )
crazy21berryKayce, you're one of my oldest friends ever. It was great to see you at NWAAD... even though we didn't talk cuz we were busy with other friends but I'm still glad we caught up and at least SAW each other! I was so disappointed that Jennifer was unable to come. Next time right? You're very talented with photos so you better put that talent to use! I <3 you and someday we all will be together once again (you, me, Shay, Jennifer, Alisha and Tommy) - unless you want to only count girls :P
crazyalleygatorHey Alex, I wish you weren't so shy with your signing and at least talked to me when I came in for ASL classes once upon a Wednesday, heh. But don't worry, next time I see you I'd definitely kick in and have you signing in no time. You're great with signing but you just need to have more faith in yourself and sign, sign, sign! Also, you're beautiful! <3
custodienirlYou've been in a few of my classes ever since my first year of school at Tyee, I think. I don't rememebr you at Chinook but oh well. We don't know each other very well but you seem cool to talk to. You have the oddest drawings though, especially those drawings from work, haha. Keep up the.....uhm, talent? :)
cuteusmcwifeYour children are really adorable and you have a great husband, don't lose the gifts of life you were given. For a while I've been on your friends list, you've had quite a few hardships to get through but you've always pulled through. So I know you'll be all right, no matter what. As long as you have Adrian, Ricky and Steve, everything will be alright, right? :) You're a great woman! <3
deafgal01Nat, it was so great meeting you! I had a lot of fun with you, Cat and Greg down in Indiana. You're a great friend and very easy to talk to so that makes a really great quality in friendships because how can you be great friends and NEVER talk?! Hehe, we need to have more comment wars, that's always fun. Keep faith in your teaching career and don't let anybody else tell you what you can and cannot do - those people are who fail at life and YOU are what succeed at life! Kick asses when you get your teaching degree, hear me?! Or I'll kick YOUR ass! ;) <3
dragonsoftMatt, we've had quite interesting time, huh? You are so talent at drawing and I'm proud of you trying to put it on-line and showing me some of the ones that you've censored from the Internet. I'm also so happy for you and Diane, you guys deserve the happiness any couple could have asked for. You're a wonderful guy and you'll do great in life. Don't lose your qualities because they're what make you a great friend. Someday we'll meet! You and Diane, me and Mike! <3
effejrYou've never updated your journal and I don't think you ever came back after I made that account for you but that's ok, you just had it so you could read my LJ. Even though I think you stopped. Oh well, that still didn't stop me from saying something about you. Someday you'll read this. :) I'm so happy to see you and your Mike happily married. You guys deserved the happiness and you guys are so cute together I couldn't imagine anyone else more perfect than you and Mike for each other! I wish that we could have been better friends the short time I was in California. Nonetheless, poker and WWF nights were still fun, right? Someday Mike and I will come back for one of these nights and we'll see each other again. I'm sure we will! <3
elschninoYou were such a funny guy when we met. I really liked chatting with you. I think you and Mike hit it off more than me and you did, but that's absolutely all right. You better take care of my girl, Cat, or I'll kick your ass. But really, I'm not worried. You're so much like Mike and knowing Mike, you'd never hurt Cat. I wish you the best of happiness and love that you could ever ask in your life and I hope everything goes great for you and Cat. If it doesn't go the way life wanted, I hope you still will be happy with whatever life leads you to. <3
emmakayYou're such a fun girl to read about - such a little teenybopper. And to be honest, the drunken posts are the funniest - only because they remind me of myself. I used to have quite a few incidents of that when I couldn't type for shit and had the "what the fuck was I talking about" look on my face when I read the next morning. That's always the fun part, isn't it? Except for the hangovers, ergh. Be a great girl and be happy! Your Mr. Right will come around the corner, STOP waiting for him. Live your life and he'll come to you when it's meant to happen. :) Gotta trust me on that. <3
faerie_starre_xHow often does someone find someone else with the exactly same first and middle names on LJ? Well, Brandi Nicole, I found my other one muahahah! We've only known each other for so short time but from what I read of you, you're wonderful and fun and very strong-willed and that's always great in life! Don't lose those qualities! <3
gatorqueenYou used to update every day but now you've gotten busy more and more therefor you update less and less. That's all right, I'd like to think IRL is better than being on the computer all the time (yes I know, I'm a computer freak/addict) but it's still good that you have a life outside of LJ! Even though I don't comment on your entries often I still read it. :) You're a great girl and you have a lot of things to achieve in life and I think you will do that just fine! :)
good_karmaI remember we didn't get along at first because of that post in the deaf community - talking about why people just pretend not to know signs and not bother to tell you they know sign language instead of just eavesdropping or something like that. At first I wasn't going to add you to my friends list but then I read your entries and I realized I enjoyed reading and getting to know you so much and you reminded me so much of my best friend, Leslie, not saying you're not unique / Carrie, but I thought it'd be fun to get to know you and we've been fine ever since. :) Take care of Mr. Awesome, Pea, Wasabi and Magnus! <3
greekgodinmakinYou've only been on my friends' list for a short time but you're hilarious to read about! It's always fun to read about you for some reason. i guess because you're always upbeat and happy and you influence the same reaction from other people, and that's a gift to have! You're also a friend of a lot of friends I have on my friends' list so I guess it was still a good thing I added you! :) Need anything relating to layouts, icons or whatever, just ask! :) <3
hayabusaryderMan, Neil, we've been together quite a while, heh, I only can remember the hilarious moments, I think the funniest part was when we both scared each other shitless with that damn monster with the backward legs, remember? All you had to do was draw that eerie pictuer then that was it - I was scared half of the night. :P But nonetheless it was fun! I miss hanging out with you, riding on the bus home from and to school. Take care and don't do anything stupid!
hot_tub_angelHey Ash! You're going to always be one of my nicole-ketters, heh. ;) Even though there's 2 other people on my list that has both Nicole haha. I wish the best of luck to you and Seph, I'm sure you guys will be happy forever! Soon you'll be in Quispamsis, just gotta be patient. :) <3 UPDATED 12/19/04: FUCK YOU
hushstormWe barely ever talked but I know you because you're a friend of my best friend from my childhood and any friend of Ryan's is a friend of mine! :) Your journal are always fun to read and I enjoy reading about you because that's one way I can keep track of Ryan (*cough*cuzheneverupdates!*cough*). Have fun with life! Take care of Ryan for me! <3
insafemodeI added you from community because I loved how you wrote stories from your past and every time you update I enjoy reading it because it's just so easy and fun to read. You would make quite a ton of money when you get everything published and I'm sure as hell buying your book just as soon as it hits the bookshelves! Keep writing and take care! <3
jazzlingI'm not sure where I added you from but I think from one of the psp communities. You're fun to read about but you don't update often anymore. But I still would like to get to know you more! <3
neferet_tiyMY INTERNET LOVER!! I love you. Mike's jealous that we're gonna marry first before I marry Mike. That's okay, because you're just awesome! I'm glad I added you to my friends list and trust me it's rare that I add someone from the blinkies communities because you know how I am with blinkies people - most of them just want me to add them so they can ask me to make them something, bah! You're such a fun person to read about and I feel like we have a few things in common and that's always great to have right?! Heh, <33
jrszcheetahJustin, haha, you're hilarious! It's hard to believe that we met not that long ago but you're a great friend. It's been fun to hang out with you when we were at NWAAD. I oughta figure out how to get to Idaho for NWAAD next year. Hmm, maybe you can come and get me and then go to NWAAD! =D haha, nah, that definitely won't work heh. And oh, those webcam competitions are hilarious, we should do one every other while! <3 AND OMG! THANK YOU FOR DROP DEAD FRED! <3 x 312789489234!
kitsuneharpYou're probably the only MSDBer that's on my friends list. And you NEVER update either. Bah, gotta get that changed. Hm, I might just as well convince other people to get ljs - like Stell, she's always asking how I'm doing, etc. But otherwise, I hope you're having the time of your life at college and everything, you're a brilliant boy and you oughta put that to good use. :) Someday I'll go visit Colorado - Mike's best friend lives in Colorado so maybe if we both are there, I'll drop a visit =D <3
ladymaceYou're such a wonderful girl! You're very easy to get along with and you're just...did I mention you're wonderful!? You have a lot of things in common with Mike and that's kind of cool! You have creativity talent and you really should write a book! ILY! Need any tweaking with a picture or a blinkie, you know who to ask! <3
lilezstarLess-lie! Yes, Less-lie, just how I say it! I miss you so much! I wish you lived 20 minutes away from me like how it was when we both were in Washington. That's ok, I followed you down to California so it's really YOUR turn to follow me down here to Illinois! Illinois sucks but it would be fantastic if you moved here and lived with me! Or even 5 minutes away, I don't care, just as long as I can walk down and see you whenever I need a shoulder to cry on or if I need some laughs. Every time I have a stupid blonde moment, I don't call it a blond moment, I call it a Leslie moment because well, you know LOL! Don't ever forget the best of times we had together - me and you growing up (me from a freshman to a senior and you from a senior to a big 22), my 18th birthday, I'm so glad I spent my first major hangover with you! I'll never forget going in your house and smelling all those food and just running up the stairs and puking my brains out, and your mom was like "wtf, she doesn't like my cooking?" LOL! I miss your mom and Courtney and Duane so much! And your stupid friend Kevin, haha, remember him and his girlfriend - I told his girlfriend to dye Kevin's pubic hair PINK! ROFL! And the bee with Callista! "If it comes over here I'll go POW!!!!!!!!!" and your face - "what the fuck was that, brandi?", OMG that was hiiiiiilarious - I've never laughed so hard! So seriously, you need to get your ass out here so we can have more fun times like that. Life's too short! I love you! <3333333333333333333333
lilkrayzeechickHeh. We used to hate each other so much when I was at Tyee haha. I remember I hated you because you called me a bitch for no reason. I was like wtf, cunt! Heh. But I'm glad we got past that and realized that it was just way too stupid so I'm glad we're some good friends, even though it's odd that we became friends when I moved away from WA. We kick ass with blinkies =D If you have any problems or need someone to talk to, you know I'm here! Hang in there with Tyee, I know it sucks ass but time does fly by! <3
lolitaevadaisyYou're just a cute girl! I love reading about you even though I've never met you in IRL but I hope someday we will. I think you're at Gallaudet and I know a lot of friends there so someday I'm going to visit and maybe I'll get a chance to meet you, who knows! Always someday right? Take care of Doggy, you guys are so adorable together! <3
mcmillerYou're probably one of the most smartest people I've ever had the privilege to meet in my life. You have so much good qualities in you that many people would kill to have in a friend. So I feel lucky that I'm even a friend of yours - AND the wife of a great friend that I've known for years is just so COOL! Most women would hate me because you know how people are with other people's ex girlfriends/boyfriends so I'm really glad that you don't dislike me just because I used to be Tony's ex. You also have so much things in common with me even if it's not the EXACT same things but we both still can relate to each other very easily so that's really cool! We gotta set up some days where we can all get together (you, Tony, Thomas and I) and hang out! XOXO!! UPDATED: FUCK YOU.
photo_a_dayI found you through the random search and when I saw your pictures I just HAD to add you to my friends' list. Your photos are excellent and I want your camera! Ship it to me! <3 I'm so glad you decided to continue the photo-a-day thing because I'd miss seeing pictures! They're gorgeous! <3
pinktinkerbellI really don't know you very much but from what I've read about you, you're pretty cool. And your baby is just adorable! <3
pinky_leighI guess we used to hate each other for a while because of the whole thing with me, you, Nick and Neil. Bah! So old news right? You look so much older and it's weird because I'm so used to seeing you as a freshman! Anyway, hope you're doing well in life in general and with Ben! Hang in there at Tyee, I know it's bad and everything but time really flys by! Take care! <3
prejudice_peteHaha, seriously, what the fuck can I say about you? You can be nice when you're not being a jerk. And that's not always a bad thing. I don't think? Anyway, I'm still shocked that you're a senior - it's kind of scary now because I remember you as a freshman/sophomore so it's just super weird. But anyway, life seems to go great for you! And I'm glad for that! Take care of Kacee! And live life to the fullest. <3
profileofadreamWe've been friends before we met IRL and you were still a great friend after we met in IRL! I'm sorry for how the vacation went down with everything but it all turned out for the best, I hope! Things will be better when you come back to visit! Greg will be happy! And Nat, offfffff course. You're always going to be my birthday girl and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know I'm always there (well yeah, because I'm an Internet loser, right?!) but you know what I mean, anything you need, you know I'm there! <3 P.S. THANK YOU FOR 12 MONTHS PAID ACCOUNT! I LOVE YOU!
updated 06/28/05: I love you, Cat!!! I know so much things have changed... but keep your chin up for the best. There will be a someday you'll wear a red dress... maybe it wasn't meant for Greg. You are SOOO getting your ass over here in Washington, NO ARGUMENTS! I can't wait to see my birthday whore, and we really NEED this!! Partay all night away and get drunk! You'll love washington and the people i hang with! (like my best friend, you'd love her to death!) hehe.. I can't wait! hurry! I ♥♥♥♥♥ you! XOXO!
risindragonYou never ever update your LJ but that's okay, you're too cool for LJ - I think? Heh! The last time I heard from you you were fighting for the custody of your child so I hope you got her back! Damn that girl, ugh. So you better come back on AIM or LJ soemday soon and let me know how the fuck you're doing, okay? Not only do I want to know how you're doing, Nat, Cat and Ash all want to know how you're doing! See, all these women - stud, you! <3
sapphire_angel_<3333333 Lauren! You've been there for me a lot of times and I really appreciate it! You're a great friend! I hope everything is working out good (everything with Ant, Dennis and the whole drama thing) and I hope college is going great for you - from what I've read lately, it has been! ILY and take care of Dennis, he's a good guy!
sillyoatiesWe never talked to each other at Tyee when I was there but I'm definitely sure I saw you around - of course, how could I not with Neil telling me who you are and how he had a crush on you - (awhhh). But you're pretty cool! <3
skakitten03Funny how we never talked when we were at Tyee but it's actually funny because you're not even the only one! Anyway, I'm sorry for that time when we got into that big debate thing about good celebrities role models - that was a stupid debate. But that's over and all in past! You're actually pretty cool, just makes me wish that I had tried to get to know you while we were at Tyee. Oh well, I'll just catch you around for the 10-year reunion. If anyone's even going =X <3
skippypbbI added you a while ago. I could have sworn I saw you somewhere at Tyee, hm. Very odd. But anyway, you're still pretty cool and your dad freaked me out with that shotgun pictures, dammmn! I'm glad he's okay and I hope you're doing okay because the last time you updated it was abotu the wedding but you were going through some hard times. So I'm sure you'll be okay! <33
strawberrycokeyou have the most weirdest but funniest posts on LJ haha! I hope you'll be okay at where you are because I know you miss Tyee and everyone there - I know how that is because I had to go through the same thing. I moved away from Chinook when I was in the middle of 7th grade and moved all the way to Montana. Started all over again. BUT when I finally loved the people there and going to school there, we had to move again. I moved back to Chinook in mid-8th grade. Crazy huh? Anyawy, you'll be okay where you are! Just take care and try to live life to the fullest! <33
sunshayYou dropped LJ like a hot potato and went to GJ - DITCHING ME! HOW COULD YOU! But since you're one of my oldest frigging friends ever, I'll let you off the hook. I miss you, I just can't believe it's been what.... 8 or 9 years since I've seen you AND Jennifer. Insane. But someday we're (me, you, Kayce, Jennifer and Tommy) will all get together and catch up - but I think it'd be easier if it was all girls instead of including Tommy because poor him, he'd be so lost with all these women in front of him HAHA! I miss you and I still do go to GJ and catch up on you guys (you and kayce) cuz that's all I ever know what's going on with you - on GJ! :P Take care and have fun with life and Juz. <3
partybythebayouJenee, I don't know you very well but what I've read from your posts, you're a really cool and a very bright girl! I'd love to get to know you more and I'm sure that will happen as more time pass! You're a friend of a few on my friends list so it's kind cool to know a lot of people because I think we all are connected in a circle somehow. =)
tainted_heatherIt's been a long time since you've updated but I rememebr you were 1 of the first people I added to my journal. It must have been so long that I'm not even sure where I added you from - I think either from the deaf community or from Ash. Hmm. Anyway, you need to update more and let me know how you're doing! <333
tetragonosScott! You were one of the very first to be added from my journal. I added you after finding you from a randomized search... then last November you practically disappeared. You never updated again after that. I hope you're not dead or anything, I just find it odd that you disappeared. I guess you got sick of LJ or something, haha. I hope you'll come back and surprise all of us with an update. Hopefully! <3
tk_penguinTennille! You have one of the coolest names, ever! You're very cool and you remind me of myself in a lot of way. You also make me miss high school sometimes, hehe, I don't know why but I do. I guess I miss the hectic life that I used to have when I was in high school. Hm, maybe it means I have to go to college SOON! My 1 year break is almost up. :) Take care of yourself and be happy! (and learn how to post pics :P:P:P) <3
vietboiBah! You never updated, you jsut signed up one day and then bam. Never to be seen again. It's ok cuz i know you IRL and you're one of my closest friends so you're off the hook. It'd be nice if you updated your first update! :P <333
waify_jackYou're a lot like me and it's eerie sometimes on how we have a lot of things in common. I'm glad I can have someone I can talk to and know I wouldn't be judged for it. And I know the same goes for you because you've even said the same thing. Even though we barely talk because you're practically never on the computer but it's nice when I see you updating once in a while, so you should do that sometimes! Sneak on the library computer if you have to! :P <3
wingnut700Ahh, all I can think of to say about you is: "hi, old fart" XD
xcrazydaisy666Kimmie! We barely talk anymore but that's ok. You started updating so that's good. It's nice to know how you're doing and everything. We had a bunch of fun times - remember Aly? Ugh! And Wigglies..... to be honest I'm glad you're not with him anymore, he's such an asshole now. Rawr. Anyway, you're a cool girl so keep that up and kick anyone's ass who tell you otherwise. And.... forget DD, k? :P <3
zacho817Hey Zach!! You're a cool cool guy and I'm so glad that Nat has a guy that takes care of her so good like you do! There's not many good guys like you around any much longer so I'm sure Nat knows how lucky she is to have a guy like you! Take care of Nat for me or Cat and I will kick your ass! But I'm sure we wont have to worry about it anyway cuz we know you wouldnt do that to Nat hehe! <3
10031983alicia, i remember you added me right after i did my userinfo so dont think i forgot you or something ;) you're a great girl and it's just amazing that we both know the same people! how odd! i think you're the only one who knows the same people as i do and someone i've never met either! but i'm sure that we'll meet someday since we know the same people. let me know whenever you're in east coast so i can meet up with you! tell everyone i said hi in washington! <3
l3arbiei haven't met you yet but i'm not worried, i know i probably will meet you eventually. i'm glad you're not with someone like troy anymore - that guy was bad news! i'm happy to see you're having a great time with life and yay for your great grades! keep living life to the fullest, and yup, brunettes do have more fun (we're the living proof!) mwah!
__smilesforyouyou're a gorgeous girl and i'm glad you know there's more to life than just happiness (there's friends, family and everything else that life has to offer you). just hang in, you'll be okay! ;)
thatsummernighti don't know you very well yet to really say anything about you but dont worry i will after i get to know you more!
a_dorkShari, i added you after i learned about which is a funny community. when i read your lj you're going through something that i've went through before so i hope you take my comments to heart because when i say i do know how you feel when you're going through something like that, it's because i do. i hope everything works out for you in the end and that you're much happier. best of luck to you! xo
cyn_lou_whocyn, damn I haven't heard from you in a long time and I just found your lj so I hope I catch up on about what's going on with you in your life. tell everyone i said hello (i.e. crystal if you still talk to her? and leslie of course!!) mwah!
angelofthief07bryan, i just met you at the prebash at gallaudet so I really don't know you very much but im sure we'll get to know each other more later on when we run into eachother and chat a bit more. im sure that will happen cuz i'll be a frequent visitor to gally ;)
brannigalbrandt, holy fuck, i haven't heard from you for a long ass time. i guess we lost touch a while ago but i found your lj through a friend, i dont remember who. you never update (obviously since it says last you updated was 71 weeks ago LOL). but i added you again on aim (i lost your sn my bad) so maybe ill see you online soon and ill hit you up for a chat to catch up! and show you this, of course, haha!
britishcrazedJon! I still am stuck at a nickname for you. But don't worry when I get to Gally I'm sure I'll come up with a good one (NOT V-MAN!!!) nickname for you! I can't wait till I get to Gally and finally hang out with you and N and the rest of the gang. I miss you guys already. Let me know how it's goin with you and CK, i hope it will go well with you guys and that you guys finally get something goin on ;) mwah! see you at gally, love you! ~♥ Hot Pants hehe!
cubantiggerJessi, ive known you in the blinkie world for a while until i added you on to my journal, you're a cool girl and i'm happy you're having the time of your life with teddy, you deserve someone as great as teddy is! if you ever need any help with blinkies or psp, feel free to ask me!
cuzgarysayssoGary, I don't really know what to say about you. sometimes you piss me off because of the things you say are a bit too.. heartless, but that's okay, it doesn't bother me too much hehe. it was fun to go out clubbing with you and leslie when I was in california - i guess we'll have to do that someday when leslie, you and i get together again, yeah?! :D
mjk57mike haha! we met in the bad_sex community and you were a pretty funny guy so i had to add you to my journal. i guess you're going to have to be one of my insomniac buddies cuz we both got insomnia and it's pretty bad at night. :( and mike... LIGHTEN UP!!! you'll get what you want in life - (a girl) but honestly you need to stop looking for it because if you keep looking for it, it won't come. so just live life to the fullest and just chill and it'll happen. trust me. ;) when you have a girl ill say "gee, didn't i say i told you so?" hehe. mwah!
deafoutsiderDoggy! LOL I thought how i recognized you was funny. i remember the first time I saw you was when you told me my purse was downstairs with the supervisior (stupid justin forgot it in the mens' bathroom) and i didn't know YOU were doggy so when I saw you sitting in the hallway on 1st floor in Benson Hall, it just HIT me! I'm like "OMG THATS DOGGY!" haha, i just thought it was hilarious. anyway, it was so great to meet you (and it was great meeting becky too that weekend) and i'm sure i'll run into you often since i'm going to visit gally often! mwah! dont lose your head working at benson hall, okay? ;)
deludedmindmaryo, what the fuck can i say about you? i havent talked to you for a long ass time then boom out of nowhere you pop up. you never update your lj and you even forgot your password, idiot. but that's okay i added you to my list anyway, in case you suddenly magically remember your password (yeah right). well either way, just send me a message once in a while and let me know how you're doing. hm, wondering how cnut is doing too.. xo!
jaxarewildi added you when you got a journal because of kyle but you dont update often. but when you do, it's always fun and interestig to read (yeah, the last post about the weirdest fetishes people have when camming - i think i won hahaha) keep on updating!
makaveli21matt, kinda hard to believe ive only met you a couple months ago. you're a good friend, dont lose that quality in you. sorry for all the drama that happened but i hope it's been resolved when i left, hehe. gotta leave the world in chaos, that's been one of my best talents ;) anyway, tell your parents i said hi and give a hug for samantha! you need to update more you fool! or i can always pwn your journal hahaha! take it easy in cali! who the fuck knows when ill come back to cali for a visit? but either way, take it easy!
ms_kayteehehe it was great meeting you at prebash. you and mitchie were probably the only ones i really talked to at prebash that night, it wasn't too .. lyke omgzzzz its so much fun11!!11 haha.. but its great to chat with you online and im sure ill run into you often at gally when i go, so hopefully we'll be able to hang out more! and you need to get mitchie's ass over to gally MORE often! xo!
nirevoliyou're so mean! kudos to katers for giving you your much deserved punishment! I can't believe you made the pee post, LOL! i hope to hang out with you and katers soon in the future, you guys are fun - i know because i hung out with you for a while at prebash. dont shoot people while they walk in front of you, i don't want you to go to jail remember? hehe! P.S. the picture is the payback for what you did to HAHAH!
oomeggooi met you at gally but i didn't really talk to you, there were just so many people that night and i just got lost chatting with everyone else, sorry about that. im sure i'll eventually meet you again - maybe next time you're at gally visiting? who knows! xo!
mister_jimmyall i know about you is you're jimmy and that's it. i just added you recently to my journal because why the hell not? besides you know N and that was freaky since it was such a small world and jeez.. you know! Anyway, hope to read some more about you in your journal so i can get to know you more. in the meanwhile, take care of yourself!
prude_princessSanja, i barely know you but i remember you from tyee. but im glad i added you, id like to get to know you more often. you havent updated for a while but i hope you'll update later! best of luck to you in tyee (i know how tyee can suck big time) so just hang in - high school will fly by with blinding speed, trust me - it did for me and it'll be the same for you! *hugs*
smcdi barely know you but i met you at prebash through jenee, jen and meggo - i know because they asked me if i had seen you and leah and i was like eh? but when i saw you, i definitely knew who you were haha. you're a funny guy to read about, just too bad i didn't get to really talk to you in person. maybe next time?
takinitslow83kelly, i only met you once back then in Indiana with Natalie, Greg, and Cat and just added you recently to my journal. so i don't know you very much, but i guess there's plenty of time for me to get to know you. I hope someday I'll be in Indiana and get to hang out with you and the rest of the gang someday!
theredspadeTucker, you're a good guy even though we barely talk but that's okay. we'll chat once in a while and read each other's posts on lj until the next time i see you and the rest of the gang in Indiana, sounds good? hehe
threepwoodsam, i don't know you very well since I just added you recently to my list. you're a friend of ash and so far, any friend of ash is a friend of mine! hope to see you updating more, im more than happy to get to know you. :) btw you look like jake gyllenhaal and if you don't know what i'm talking about, ask ash! :)
tigerpaw2uhey, i only know you through jen, and i barely know you very well but maybe i'll run into you once in a while when i go to visit people at gallaudet. you're a pretty girl with a fun personality - don't ever lose that!
me_ickierickie, oh man!!! i haven't heard about you for a long ass time so when i saw you had a lj im like whoa! its hard to believe that ive known you for like what, maaaaaaaaany years. can you believe i'm 19 but i knew you when i was like 8? crazy stuff. i'm glad i have you on my lj, and i hope you're doing great with everything you're doing in life. best of luck to you!
thordini just added you today, LOL. well you're alicia's boyfriend and you seemed cool from the comments i've seen you leave and the pictures, (dork yeah) but we've just started talking on aim and added each other so I hope we'll get to know each other more. I'm sure that will happen! and yes, you're welcome for the psp9 crack :P *hugs*