Title- “Benji was a good brother”
Author- ForeverYours311
Rating- Pg-13 to R
Pairings- Joel/Tony (GC/Mest), Joel/Benji (GC/GC)
Summary- But Benji was a good brother, and he would help Joel to the bathroom and turn on the water in the shower with a only a slight sigh of ‘what the fuck are you on?’ when he would see the clock glowing 3am, and Joel
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Comments 50
I'm glad to see you writing again *clings* You're one of the best authors I know! *muah* :)
~♥~ Sarah
You had to keep your notebook away from 10 year olds?? hahah what do you do?
And yes, my campers were way courious, when i brought in a JTHM comic they were all over it trying to see what it was, when they saw a note book it became their new mission to read, luckly i wrote the slash in the back like going forewards and had a letter to my Liz in the front so they saw non slash, and it became a rule that if you touch stacies note book you dont get to ride.
I've added it to my favorites too. Dude, you made me cry! That is SO not punk rock! lmao
Just. Wow.
Especially the ending!!!
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