YAY BARRY. Note: there'll obviously be spoilers here up to the end of S2 of Misfits, though the mega major (S2) ones will be in a marked section of their own.
Simon Bellamy (
"For the first time in my life, I feel like I belong. I've never been this happy."
"You murdered your probation worker."
"I didn't say it was perfect."
So, who is this guy, and why do you keep calling him Barry? His name's Simon, isn't it?
Yes, it is. Simon comes from the British sci-fi dramedy Misfits. Yes, that's the same canon
tripledmyself is from, though the dudes are AU to each other. Simon is from quite a bit further down the timeline, for now anyways. For those of you who are not familiar with the show (AND WHY AREN'T YOU, HEATHENS?), a brief recap: Misfits is about five young offenders who on their first day of community service get caught in a freak electrical storm that grants each of them somewhat personality-based superpowers. Their probation worker, meanwhile, gets granted uncontrollable, violent rage and they end up having to kill him in self-defence after he's already killed the unlucky sixth young offender. From there on out, it's all hiding bodies, avoiding police investigations, trying to survive community service, dealing with their new powers (some of them frankly suck), coming across other people affected by the storm, and generally acting like a bunch of teenagers with questionable morals.
Fun for all the family, right?
So, Simon then. He's doing community service because he tried to burn his school bully's house down, then got caught pissing through the letterbox because there was a cat stuck in the house, and the cat obviously hadn't done anything to him, so he was trying to put the fire out. It just didn't look like that to the bully's mom who caught him, so he landed first in a psych unit for evaluation, then in community service. He's not quite as unhinged as the above may make him seem, though: Simon is a victim of life-long bullying, and the attempted arson was brought on by a specific incident that was just really the very last straw.
Simon doesn't have it very easy during community service either, though, not at first. While he is probably the smartest of the bunch and the one to come up with ideas for how to get out of various kinds of trouble they get in, his shy and socially awkward demeanor make it hard for him to connect with his more brash and loud colleagues, and he tends to be the target of Nathan's jokes and ridicule quite a lot. (Nathan also spends the majority of S1 thinking Simon's name is Barry, though that's less personal and more Nathan not caring enough to know most anyone's name. The Misfits fandom cling to the name Barry to this day, though.) His one attempt at a relationship (with his new probation worker, no less) ends badly - and when I say badly, I mean he accidentally kills her in a struggle after it turns out she's just been using him to find out more about the death of the previous probation worker, who just so happened to be her fiancé. And then Simon stores her body in a freezer at the community center and doesn't tell anyone so no one else has to carry the burden of yet another dead procbation worker on their hands. At least until they catch him trying to move the body.
... I SWEAR HE IS NOT AS CREEPY AS ALL THAT MAKES IT SOUND. That's all just season one! Things get better for him! He gets accepted into the group who actually turn into friends, and as a result his confidence starts to grow and he loosens up a bit. Simon as he'll be coming on to the island is still shy and awkward, doesn't really talk a lot because he's still not used to doing that, and will still be a bit insecure but he's willing to believe he'll meet people who will actually want to be around him. Simon craves acceptance and friendship, and once he starts feeling close to people he is both very forgiving (the list of rude names Nathan has called him is long and colourful) and fiercely loyal to his friends. I mean, look above re: the second dead probation worker. Other than that, he's a huge sci-fi geek with an interest in film editing. He practically had his camera phone glued to his hand throughout all of season one, though not so much anymore.
Lookswise, Simon (played by Iwan Rheon) is a pale, average height, broad-shouldered young guy with dark, meticulously combed hair and huge blue eyes. His clothes are dark, his shirts always buttoned all the way up. If you know your English post-punk heroes, think Joy Division's Ian Curtis in terms of style. (Also in his style of dancing, if that ever comes up.) He's just an adorable puppy while at the same time having the ability to be tremendously creepy. I blame the eyes, personally.
So, about those superpowers?
Simon can turn invisible. When he does, he can't be seen or heard, and anything he picks up turns invisible too, so there will be no ghostlike hijinks with floating objects or anything. I would also say he's telepathically (or whatever other sixth sense your character may have) unnoticeable while invisible. He is simply not there at all to any senses, though if you have any reason to say this doesn't work on your guy/gal then by all means, drop me a note here or via email, I'll be happy to make exceptions based on the multiverse being funny like that. ETA: Yeeeah, apparently Kelly the telepath can hear Simon's thoughts when he's invisible, even if this is only established in one of the online videos but yea, nevermind. He can still be heard telepathically!
The process of turning invisible is brief, but looks quite painful, with Simon's head doing a weird... rapid contortion thing I need to learn to describe better but which you can see
here at 0:38. At first it was uncontrollable and kicked in whenever Simon was feeling rejected or ignored, but he learned to control it pretty fast and by now it would take some pretty intense emotional turmoil for him to vanish involuntarily.
Okay, so where in his canon is he coming from? (AKA HERE BE S2 SPOILERS)
For those in the know, Simon is coming in from the three-month period between the S2 finale and the following Christmas special. That says it all, really.
For those unfamiliar with the canon: In season two, the group are being watched over by a mysterious, mask-wearing parkour enthusiast who always seems to know when they'll be in trouble and shows up to bail them out. Alisha, the girl with the power that makes anyone who touches her want to sex her up but also unable to remember any of it once they let go of her, tries to run into our mysterious hero more after she finds out he can touch her like a normal person (for reasons not yet explained by canon). About halfway through the season, she finds out it's actually a buff, confident future!Simon who's come back in time to make sure things happen the way they're supposed to. They spark up a relationship and he tells her that she and present!Simon will be a couple in the future. And then he dies, taking a bullet for her. Awkwaaard.
Alisha starts acting nicer towards present!Simon, who rightfully finds this odd since she's been mostly tolerating him until this point, and he eventually uses his invisibility to follow him to future!Simon's awesome lair where she tells him everything. Of course, this big reveal happens in the second season finale timeline that gets erased by Curtis's power because the gang get famous and everyone apart from Curtis end up dead, but it is implied by the following Christmas special that it happened more or less the same in the mainstream timeline as well, meaning Simon knows how he is going to die. Which, y'know, cheerful. But Simon seemingly accepts this, though, since he starts getting into shape and practicing all the Superhoodie skills like running around town, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, falling a lot.
Which is where Fandom comes in. Knowing he's going to have to train his ass off and buff himself up and get his parkour skills going to become the hero he's supposed to become, he's been looking for anything and everything that might help him achieve that. And then he randomly comes across a brochure for Fandom High that makes it sound a lot like Xavier's to his scifi/comics geeky brain, and decides to attend in the hopes that it'll help.
He leaves behind a tentative not-quite-relationship thing with Alisha, and he's going to be weirded out that it's only May, because he just spent his entire summer in community service. He's going to be even more weirded out once he realizes time is passing veeery slooowly back home in relation to Fandom.
Oh, and I guess he'll be weirded out by some weird Fandom things too.
Jeremy Darling (
"Jeremy, are you sure you're ready? Having a kid is a huge responsibility."
"I know, I know it's gonna be a lot of work, but I'm ready to, ready to change, I'm ready to be sensible. ...And I wanna have my party on the Brooklyn Bridge."
- From New York City, and ABC's short-lived primetime soap Dirty Sexy Money, waaaay precanon.
- Junior, Class of 2013, 16, brown-haired, green-eyed, 5'11" and average build.
- Twin brother and BFF of
Juliet Darling.
- Rooms in 522 with
Stephanie Brown.
- Member of the richest family in New York, in his own universe; no longer expects anyone in Fandom to recognize him as such.
- Friendly, flirty, easygoing.
- Slightly clueless because he's never had to think for himself; money has solved every problem he's ever had.
- Surprisingly geeky about astronomy.
- Unsurprisingly infatuated with fame, celebrities, parties, all that stuff; the lack of most of those things is one of the things he really doesn't like about Fandom.
- Will claim to be friends with several of the current teen superstars, and some of the early twenties ones; might be fibbing a bit since they mostly just let him hang around because of his money.
- Dislikes Justin Bieber because he was once snubbed by the stupid-haired Canadian at a party.
- Infoposted in a more detailed fashion
Kate Gregson (
"I'm feeling kind of hurt, and hungover."
"In a... existential, life has gotten me down kind of way?"
"In a Tylenol PM, slept on the floor of an airport kind of way. ...And that crisis thing too."
- From Overland Park, Kansas, and Showtime's United States of Tara, currently between S2 and S3.
- Alumna of FH Class of 2011 (WOE!), 18, blonde, brown-eyed, 5'7" but has a tiny body.
- Rooms in 324 with
Bobby Drake.
- Works Wednesdays at Mystery Sign Theater 3000.
- Is dating and in looove with
Bod; they dated for half a year, broke up for four months due to (her) canon shenanigans, and have been together again for about three weeks now.
- BFFs with
Mitchell; at this point will just blink at you in a confused manner if you find that odd; DAMMIT likes DAMMIT, we s'pose.
- Has a mother who has DID (multiple personalities); doesn't find this worth much secrecy anymore but it'll also never be the first thing she tells anyone.
- Secretly (and reluctantly) thinks of herself as having two families, one in OP and one in Bristol (plus
Jack), and both incredibly messed up.
- Used to have a fantasy valkyrie alter ago called Princess Valhalla Hawkwind, about whom you can find out more
- The PVH music video is still online - and so are a few videos of her doing stuff like
sitting on cakes. If you want to find/stumble upon the latter, just shoot me an email first so I don't get blindsided even if Kate does; the music video, however, you can find whenever you want!
- Will Can get difficult once you get close to her, but is generally friendly.
- That having been said; snarky as hell, and sarcastic.
- But generally not mean-spirited; if she wants to hurt you, you will know.
- Has a whole bunch of vampire issues which she's been collecting since, oh, about a month after moving to Fandom.
- As a result of some of the above, has a celestial bronze knife which she got from
Luke, and also knows how to use it thanks to him.
- Like Jeremy, and Simon when he's not invisible, she's readable to all those who can read minds etc, but will get pissy if she finds out you've been doing it (unless you're
Emma, in which case you might be forgiven more quickly).
- Infoposted in a more detailed fashion
The mun!
- Corazon/Johanna/
queencorazon/QueenCorazon on Twitter and tumblr
- E-mail: justonepersona [at] gmail [dot] com
- AIM: justonepersona (poke me over email if you want me to sign in)
- EET (GMT +2, US EST +7)
- So far hasn't managed to get a job for the summer, therefore will be around a lot, at random times.
- 23, Finnish, soon to be 5th year English major, horrible procrastinator, language nerd, music junkie, random heroine etc etc ad infinitum.
- Already fighting the urge to app another Brie Larson PB'd character once Kate moves awaaaay; she's played quite a few interesting ones, okay?
- Up for all sorts of plottishness and crack, but like so many others here, can be shy to initiate things.
- Eats two Granny Smith apples every day.
- Most likely a wee bit insane.
Questions, comments, cookies?