Nov 22, 2011 12:15
- Пн, 19:51: RT @ AlexJTrimble: Just had a full blown argument with myself in my head. Got pretty heated. I made some good points. In the end I was pr ...
- Пн, 19:56: I want to thank the academy for my "Biggest Apple Fan" award.
- Вт, 11:54: Note to self: Don't iCloud wipe your real phone.
Nov 11, 2011 12:15
- Чт, 17:02: AppleCare+ purchased.
- Пт, 01:36: Listening to Ping Island/Lighting Strike Rescue Op is not a good idea when you have half a bottle of rum in your stomach, FYI.
Oct 29, 2011 20:44
- Пт, 22:18: Alphabet by Siri: "ABC DEF GH I JK Allen NOP QRS TUV W ex-wives"
- Сб, 19:26: "When I tell you the graphics card won't work, it won't work." - Abraham Lincoln