I stumbled upon your site again...replied to your comment on my site. Hopefully you'll get in to the workshop! Writing is an amazing thing, a great expression. Wether it be an essay, a poem, or a song, it always brings life to the writer and the reader.
Great job Kim! I'm praying for you... I wish I could write as well as you can. My mind always draws a blank and I can't get anything down on paper. You have a great talent and it's wonderful to see your passion for it. I honestly hope you can live out your dreams!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad to get support on this cause I wasn't sure if the essay was good enough.
I got an e-mail from the guy running the workshop today and I got excited...but then it said, "Kimberly, we received your application and will contact you soon." The end. Anyway, hopefully it will be soon cause I want to find out. grr.
Comments 8
JAYKAY. it is great. beatiful. fantastic... just like you & your mind & talents. i wish you luck. you'll get in.
Say a little prayer for meeee.
I got an e-mail from the guy running the workshop today and I got excited...but then it said, "Kimberly, we received your application and will contact you soon." The end. Anyway, hopefully it will be soon cause I want to find out. grr.
See you soon - Kim
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