Wed, 17:38: Alice and I took an emergency nap right after I finished work. She slept on top of me the entire time, kept my stom…
Wed, 17:52: I appreciate that I get to look at the Angeles National Forest mountains every day from my windows and the mountain…
Tue, 16:34: It took 2 days but my Amazon groceries arrived! I heard the guy outside but he didn't ring the doorbell so I waited…
Tue, 21:15: Social distancing dinner: I made low carb pork katsudon again (raw cabbage instead of rice) and fried some basil to…
Tue, 07:09: University of California president just declared paid administrative leave for up to 14 days for any employee unabl…
Mon, 22:08: Oh my kitty is playing with her tail again! Awe!!! I haven't seen her play with her tail in bed since right before…
Fri, 21:08: Dammit my stupid wrist injury hurts so much today just because I did a bit of work. Wrapping my arm up in the cat's…
Thu, 14:03: RT @ FoxEstacado: I'm missing the desert tonight, so I edited some shots I took last summer. This is July 3rd, 2019: I drove 5 hours to get…
Mon, 16:48: Ugh Alice has been doing a THING. She just stays on the sofa when I go to bed. Before she always joined me when I w…
Mon, 19:42: UGH I found out my 80 year old COVID19-phobic dad goes to the grocery store EVERY DAY and I yelled a lot about comm…