The bulb in the touch-lamp just blew. Literally. I think there might be tiny shards of glass involved, but I'm waiting for my heart to chill out before I go look.
Edit: OK, no glass, but I did unplug it. That was kind've freaky.
I made turkey loaf for dinner. It turned out amazingly well, considering it's turkey. Very decent, if cows are your ground-up animal of choice. Turkey just doesn't have that same familiar texture or taste.
I just finished taking a shower with Kellen. This entailed a lot of slippery sliding on his part, and a good bit of fun for the both of us
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[There's a part of me that wants to type things to ensure you this isn't just an attempt to get in good graces, and that it's all serious. The other part feels doing that would undermine the whole point of it. Do you know anything about this kind of indecision? I seem to face it constantly...]
Got to talk to Pepper, today. Actually talk to her. She called, and we chatted for about an hour or more. Talked about the baby, her puppy, and how crappy online roleplaying is, these days.
She might send pictures soon. I can't wait to see them.