Title: Dusk to Night
Pairing: Ikuta Toma/Nakamaru Yuichi
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Toma reminds Maru that Jin is stupid, then remembers himself.
Disclaimer: Still not owning people. Ever.
A/N: Whoaaaaaa, smut?! Originally written for je rare pair anon.
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Comments 29
I've read this before but I didn't know you were the author. I love you so much for this!!
It's so much easier to write smut initially anon. Or at least, for me. Toma and Maru needed to be in more smutty fics, so why not together? =P
But thank you! I tend to go for Maru/anyone or Toma/anyone so Maru/Toma kinda makes my brain explode.
and this is going to sound really really weird, but this brought tears to my eyes. just the beauty of the pairing and the premise and the alley-fucking...i love this. i love you.
But yes, the pairing is beautiful. Glorious even. They're both my favorite JE boys so I'm being biased.
Thanks for the comments and keysmash!
And yes. Jin really is stupid. :D But if he didn't give Maru up, how would Toma get to him? ;D
...or Jin could just smarten up and join them. That way I win too, although I honestly think we all win with that kind of threesome.
Thank you!
That icon of yours is win by the way. For some reason I really like the *fail* faces.
And thank you, I agree. X333333
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