Title: Contrast
Pairing: Ikuta Toma/Horikita Maki
Summary: He loved the pale skin contrasted with the red bikini. She loved the bright grin contrasted with his tan.
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: Owning no one. =)
A/N: Tomaki is still my het otp. I don’t know when I’ll grow out of it. Or if I want to. =P
It was a morning lullaby )
Comments 5
But Toma, if I were you, I so would have made that dirty remark! Dirty remarks are the new thing of the century! Chicks dig 'em.
OTP's are not for growing out of. They're for harbouring and loving gently, until you turn into a crazy cat lady.
You have such a fast return rate! You know this just means I'm expected the tomapi one in ... oh give or take a few ours or so? : P
It's light and enjoyable. And thankfully not overtly fluff.
Awaiting more ....
OMG, I should name my first two cats Toma and Maki and hope they fall in ~*LOVE*~
I'm actually working on the Tomapi one write now. Majority of the fics that I listed are half done and I'm too lazy to finish them. Should work on that...
But thank you very much!
Best line: “Tonight when there is no one here is an entirely different story,” Maki gave him a reassuring smile before fusing her mouth onto his.
And I love how playful Toma is with Maki. It's cute.
Thank you!
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Thanks though!
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