Title: One Year Closer Pairing: Ueda Tatsuya/Kamenashi Kazuya (+ AT-TN) Rating: pg Summary: A birthday drabble. Ueda is now afraid of death. Disclaimer: Still not owning people. Ever.
And the presents that KAT-TN gave Ueda sounded exactly like something they would give him. Haha. I liked the part about America having fireworks on Jin's birthday too! :)
Comments 5
Jin’s idea of the big dance floor in the sky.
This line was classic. :)
I love that line. I think I may have used it in another story of mine before... =X It's so him though!
And the presents that KAT-TN gave Ueda sounded exactly like something they would give him. Haha. I liked the part about America having fireworks on Jin's birthday too! :)
The fact that Jin's (and massu!) birthday is on the fourth of july will never cease to amuse me.
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