we want mcr very, here in Brazil. we wait anciozos mcr. it is here that they take an initiative of capsize to make shows, in Brazil. mainly in reef pe. we wait anciosos. alive mcr. they deserve everything. I give the world for them. e the life of them recommences now.
tudo que voce diz eu sinto. sinto voce perto de mim. me olhando,olho pro ceú vejo seu olhar. tudo que imagino ter voce ao meu lado. te amo gerard. voce é tudo que existe na minha vida...
in the ones of Brazil that we like mcr. they they say that they come to Brazil. it wanted to know opiniao of voces. it will be that they come to Brazil. I wait soon that. we love its musicas, and its talentos. in it comforts them.