31st Inning

Aug 13, 2010 11:47

[Scout can be seen leaving the post office bleeding profusly from the left side of his head, holding his hand to it to try and slow it down. He looks extremely pissed off and he's marching off towards his house to get on the phone ( Read more... )

never listen to sideswipe, what the hell, crap crap crap, action, event: box tops, voice

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Comments 74

relaxiamadoctor August 13 2010, 15:53:14 UTC
Scout, you too? Let me take a look at that~


freakinblur August 13 2010, 16:36:06 UTC
[Backs up a bit, waving you off with his other hand.]

Hold yer horses, sister! I dunno if I want you touchin' this.


Yay, I was able to use voluminously in a post relaxiamadoctor August 13 2010, 16:53:36 UTC
It looks like it's bleeding heavily, and head wounds tend to bleed longer and more voluminously~


oh if only Fran was here for the time Scout fell from 3 stories at a high speed freakinblur August 13 2010, 17:07:14 UTC
'Course it is! Felt like my ear just got ripped right off my freakin' head! Geez... ya got some bandages in that bag, at least?


puzzlerprince August 13 2010, 16:34:08 UTC
Hold on now, let me get this straight. They took your ear?!


freakinblur August 13 2010, 16:38:16 UTC
What the crap, that was supposed ta... aw nevermind.

Yeah, they did! Shit! An' all just fer my bat. I mean, it's my favorite bat an' all, the best one, but sheesh. I knew somethin' would happen, but I didn't think they'd take my ear fer it over just an ol' bat.


puzzlerprince August 14 2010, 01:27:44 UTC
...bizarre. This was from the box top exchange, yes?

[Relieved that he never bought any cereal. Suspicion and poverty for the win.]


freakinblur August 14 2010, 02:02:25 UTC
Yeah, I thought maybe I'd try somethin' cheap ta see what would happen so I could tell other people ta not be stupid. But of course no one listens ta me!


numanstan August 13 2010, 16:53:08 UTC
Y'lost your ear?


freakinblur August 13 2010, 17:05:44 UTC
[He sighs. He's never been good at filtering things.]

Yeah, my ear. Geez. I figured this would happen. Ya think if I die, I'll get it back?


numanstan August 13 2010, 17:09:06 UTC
Dunno. That's how it's always worked before, yeah?

... Australia lost an ear, too. [He really doesn't want to mention that he "didn't lose anything."]


freakinblur August 13 2010, 17:25:01 UTC
Yeah, I'm just gettin' sick 'a doin' it all the time.

Yeah? What'd he get in return?


miss_enma_ai August 13 2010, 18:35:14 UTC
You turned them in?

[You idiot..]


freakinblur August 13 2010, 18:42:20 UTC
[Scout is trying to figure out how to bandage an ear. It's more difficult than he thought.]

Look, I thought we could test it out with somethin' cheap ta see what would happen, an' maybe keep other people from doin' it. I pretty much expected this but I didn't think they'd take my whole ear fer just my bat.

An' it don't matter now since everyone went an' did it anyway! Sheesh, does no one in this town listen?


miss_enma_ai August 13 2010, 18:45:55 UTC
[Ai walks over to watch him]

People are foolish.

When something is too good to be true. It usually is.


freakinblur August 13 2010, 18:49:23 UTC
Don't I know it. I mean I KNEW somethin' bad was gonna happen, but I can't speak fer tha rest 'a these dumbasses.


resurrectinto August 13 2010, 22:28:57 UTC
...Why would you do something so stupid?!

[Guess who's worried sick about her bros. :|]

How bad is the bleeding? Have you seen a doctor yet? Do I need to fucking bring you some bandages?


freakinblur August 14 2010, 01:59:38 UTC
An experiment? Honestly I wanted ta try out somethin' cheap ta see what would happen so I could warn other people, but no on friggin' listened ta me an' they all ran out an' did it anyway!


resurrectinto August 14 2010, 04:17:58 UTC
It's Mayfield! No one listens to anyone in Mayfield!


freakinblur August 14 2010, 04:49:13 UTC
Well they should at least know better than ta trust anythin' this town does. Geez.

Anyway, yeah, I got some bandages. I've had worse, this ain't nothin'. Relax, pally.


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