via the onion290_82_9144February 29 2008, 03:32:22 UTC
Former Addict Celebrates 10th Year Of Mind-Numbing Boredom
PHOENIX-Tom Stubbens, 44, a former heroin abuser, attended a party in his honor to celebrate a full decade of clean, sober, and dismally tedious living Tuesday. "The crazy gang of partiers I used to have so much fun with in the '90s wouldn't even recognize the clean and respectable person standing before you today," said Stubbens, raising an iced tea to friends at his regular evening haunt, the 36th Avenue Denny's. "Yup, but here I am... that person." Stubbens then retired to his apartment, where he watered his plants, organized his sock drawer, and fell asleep on the couch.
Re: via the onionfreddyphotonFebruary 29 2008, 09:26:20 UTC
hey jess, its been a good long while since i have heard from you. I hope it was not because of any hard feelings from last time. If not im even more excited to hear from you. hope you are good. let me know what has been going mo;h h h
Re: via the onion290_82_9144February 29 2008, 11:50:16 UTC
Nooo no, no hard feelings at all. I really did have a Christmas present for you, though. I'm really really terrible at sending things in the mail. Sigh
( ... )
Re: via the onionfreddyphotonFebruary 29 2008, 11:59:50 UTC
as you know i dont sleep at night either which is why we are talking at 6 in the morning. im glad we are still buddies as you say. i actually had some satie going last night. let me reccommend a cd that will change your life. it is a recording of saties piano pieces which are some of the best things the world has going, played by Reinbert de Leeuw
well i think i have someone reliable, but im a believer in the more sources the better so drop me an email at and we can talk, also remind me who you are?
Comments 11
PHOENIX-Tom Stubbens, 44, a former heroin abuser, attended a party in his honor to celebrate a full decade of clean, sober, and dismally tedious living Tuesday. "The crazy gang of partiers I used to have so much fun with in the '90s wouldn't even recognize the clean and respectable person standing before you today," said Stubbens, raising an iced tea to friends at his regular evening haunt, the 36th Avenue Denny's. "Yup, but here I am... that person." Stubbens then retired to his apartment, where he watered his plants, organized his sock drawer, and fell asleep on the couch.
same pieces everyone loves played at a tempo which sounds like underwater. maybe for your birthday i can send you a copy.
im going to see gus for the second time next weekend, that is my tentative plan anyway, but sometime soon.
whenever i hear from you i get your name stuck in my head sung to the tune of elenor rigby with the names switched.
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