Nov 29, 2003 12:00
they say a team is only as stong as its weakest link, so does that mean that your weakest link is your best player.
Oct 15, 2003 21:27
If i marry a dumb hot blonde that doesn't know how to work the washer and dryer and thinks that buffalo wings are made from buffalo. i am going to have a show on MTV
she has to be the dumbest hot person ever...jessica simpson
watching that show makes me mad
Sep 18, 2003 21:57
have you ever had to pee super bad and pumping gas at the same time and you have to stand there and the chilled breeze is hitting you. oh man thats the worst. if i have any advice go pee before you pump gas you get very un patient
Aug 14, 2003 12:56
pratical law- miller
intermediate writing- tuz
college reading- hamilton
math 2b- auten
aerbics- borders
anatomy- marks
Do we have any classes
May 22, 2003 21:33
Did you ever wonder why the hell dogs lick them selfs right in front of you. dont you think they would want some privacy or somthing. im sure i would if i could lick my self.
Apr 13, 2003 21:46
Last night turned out to be really fun. i had to go to my sisters ice skating show. that was long and boring. but then we went to matts and that was real fun. but i paid for it today. so im off to bed good night
Mar 23, 2003 21:13
yesterday is history, tomarrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
Mar 11, 2003 22:06
People say some stupid shit sometimes that pisses me off and i wonder sometimes if the think before they talk
Mar 10, 2003 22:14
yes yes i do regret it!