Flist icon drabbles Part 3

Jun 28, 2005 21:01

Here are the next five drabbles in my "write everyone on my flist a story" insanity. I seem to be on a schedule to have these up every Tuesday and Friday. (Go me with a schedule!) Hope you enjoy these next five (for ash418, azriona, beautyinthe, butterfly, and calendae).

ash418 (Original fic, 100 words)

She looked down the bar for the ninth time in twenty minutes to catch another glimpse of him. Dark hair, blue eyes. Straight teeth, no ring. She listened as the crowd around him laughed and hoped that the loud wheezing snort she heard wasn’t his.

She plucked the cherry out of her drink, popped it into her mouth, and shot another glance down the bar. His eyes met hers and his eyebrow cocked up over one eye. She bit her lip and then smiled.

He began walking towards her, signaling the bartender to refill her drink.

This could be promising.

azriona (Harry Potter, Peter, 101 words)

Peter had been in a panic since he had seen Sirius round the corner in Muggle London, wand in his hand and murder in his eyes. There had been harsh words and explosions, bodies and sewage erupting everywhere, and Peter had taken that opportunity to disappear.

Now he was a small rodent in the middle of an enormous city with no idea what to do next. Staying away from Diagon Alley was a must, he thought with a shudder.

He slipped into the sewer. Not his first choice for a new home, but a rat on the run can’t be picky.

beautyinthe (Star Wars, Padme/Anakin, 101 words)

She wants to say the galaxy changed too quickly. She wants to say the pillars of justice and democracy she’d spent her life defending were crumbling. She wants to say the politics that dominated life on Coruscant have morphed into a dark, dangerous whirlpool.

She wants to say the Palpatine she had known on Naboo is unrecognizable in the current Chancellor. She wants to say Anakin’s frustration at the Jedi Council needs to find an outlet before it destroys him. She was to say she’s terrified.

It comes out as, “Hold me like you did on Naboo.”

She hopes Anakin understands.

butterfly (Lord of the Rings, Frodo, 100 words)

This, you believe, is happiness. Warm sunshine on your head, cool grass between your toes, crisp paper under your hands, and no neighbors hanging on the bell asking about party plans. The smell of quality leather and spring flowers surround you. The wind whispers through the tree leaves and for the moment you can’t imagine wanting to be anywhere but in the Shire.

You turn the page, immersed in a land far away, and ignore the sound of a horse and cart coming down the lane for a little longer. The future can wait until the end of this chapter.

calendae (Lotrips, Dom, 102 words)

Once he got used to being on the wrong side of the road, Dom loved driving in America.

He adored huge stretches of highway where he was the only car for kilometers. He enjoyed the billboards (“Lap Dances! Free Beer!” “Real Men Don’t Need Porn!”) and laughed at the roadside attractions (“Enjoy the Pez Museum!” “See the World’s Largest Thermometer!”).

He began to understand the American driving obsession. With the endless horizon of their nation stretched in front of his windshield, he could almost forgive their gas-guzzling ways.

With the wind in his hair and the radio blaring, he felt free, too.

Previous icon drabble posts can be found here. The next five drabbles can be found here.

padme, harry potter, freedomfry writing, lotrips, lord of the rings, peter, star wars, anakin, frodo, dom

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