Get Arthur & Gwen Laid Campaign

Oct 10, 2010 22:14

It was the tug, then the slide -

A husked, "Guinevere -

Her breath hitched, her hand dropped and his panting was hot and damp against her neck.

Premise: Arthur and Gwen should have sex. Happy sex, silly sex, angry sex, comfort sex. In the bed, on the table, against a wall, on the throne, against a tree, in the kitchen, in Gwen's house, on the training field. Naked, half dressed, with leather, with toys, because of swords, because of dresses, because of their burning and ardent and eternal love, because they just really, really want to.

Write a drabble, vignette, fic, or epic. Do a sketch, a comic, a painting, a masterpiece. Manip to imply, to tease, to cause fandom-wide blushing.

Whether you play by your username or anonymously, your smutty contributions are well wanted. Be sentimental, sweet, or saucy. Flirty, fast, or filthy. Anything, just so long as Gwen and Arthur get laid!


1) One prompt per comment, but leave as many prompts as you like
      - Kinks list
      - Image/visual prompts welcome (note: link is very much NSFW)
      - Music prompts welcome
2) When prompting, please check to make sure you're not repeating someone else's
3) Prompts can be filled as many times as inspires
4) Works don't have to be smutty; if a prompt inspires you to something else, run with it.
5) Warn for things like incest, bestiality, noncon/dubcon, abuse, death, violence, etc. Basically anything that could potentially be a trigger, please act on the safe side and warn for it.
6) No hating on people's kinks. If it's not to your taste, scroll on to something that is
7) And when commenting on fic where a kink is not something you usually go for, try and be courteous. Saying "eww, golden showers are gross but you made it not-gross!" is not particualrly complimentary to either the prompt leaver or filler.
8) Absolutely no character bashing
9) OT3/4/5/6/everyone scenarios are welcome, so long as Arthur/Gwen is central to it
10) Warn for spoilers in your subject line
11) Anonymous commenting is turned on
12) No RPF please!
13) Fanartists and fanvidders are adored
14) Most importantly:


Coding, if you feel so inclined as to promote:">">">GET ARTHUR AND GWEN LAID!

With ♥,
- la_esmeralda_ & kepp0xy~

Gwen grinned, her eyes gleaming in the shadows of the alcove.

"Shh, Arthur," she said, and pushed him against the wall. She inched her hand down the plane of his chest.

"Shh," she said, and slid down.

Delectably smutty contributions thus far

Prompts in need of love and affection (compiled by the delightful fly_to_dawn
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